5 Encouragements to Hold to When Suffering through Infertility

She met me with a warm hug, but her smile looked like
a weak cup of decaf. As we pulled out the coffee shop
chairs, we eased into them and started talking through
her story with tears.
She was walking through a very painful chapter in her
story called Infertility, and the uncertainty and
darkness were stealing her joy and faith.
I knew her pain.
In the middle of a full coffee shop, we sat there
feeling the weight of emptiness. We made space for
her pain and grief, and talked about her desire to do
exactly what God says to do: Be fruitful and multiply.
Wasn’t having children what He asked of her? Then
why hadn’t He made a way? Why did her body feel so
These are all questions I faced grappling with a few
years earlier.
My Story
My husband and I rode an emotional rollercoaster to
arrive at each baby—sometimes white-knuckling it and
screaming, other times with our hands up, full of faith
and worship. We struggled through four and a half
years of infertility.
Yes, I include the half because each month counts.
And then our last baby was conceived on the first try.
All of it remains mysterious to me.
Infertility is a desert. And when I was in it, I would
read about God’s faithfulness, His goodness, His
hearing our prayers. But I saw very little of it.
Every part of my life felt dry. Cracked. Lifeless. Each
month when my period came, it felt like a funeral. Life
was leaving my body when all I wanted was for it to
stay. And grow. And become a soul.
And now, just a few years later, I tuck three children in
at night (though one is taller than me now, and tucking
him in is more like a sweet and awkward goodnight
hug). My life is a full rodeo show of amazing humans.
And all you may see is a girl who got what she
wanted. But I want you to also see a girl whose faith
was as thin as the pages of her Bible . A girl who
wrestled with hopes and dreams. A girl who didn’t
know what to do with all the feelings she had each
time a friend announced a pregnancy—of joy and
jealousy, of pain and pleasure, of love and longing—all
wrapped up in one heart.
I’m with you, sister. I have zero promises about how
your hopes and dreams will turn out.
What I do have is 5 encouraging reminders that I hope
will bring you comfort.

  1. God Is with You in the Desert
    How often I forget that not only was God with Jesus in
    the desert, but He actually led him there: “Then Jesus
    was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted
    by the devil,” ( Matthew 4:1 ).
    God had this part of Jesus’ story written out; He
    shepherded His Son right into that space.
    In fact, many others had gone before Jesus into dark
    places because God was doing something purposeful
    through them. But all the while, God never abandoned
    Think of Moses. When asked to confront Pharaoh, God
    said to him, I will be with you. Joshua, stood at the
    edge of an entirely new territory and God said, I am
    with you.
    Remember Joseph? Left for dead by his own brothers.
    Jailed for two years. Forgotten. But he looked back
    and saw that God was with him, working out the evil
    plans set against him for good.
    And of course, David. When he walked through the
    valley of the shadow of death, as Psalm 23 says,
    David remembered that God was with him.
    Let this fact seep into your bones: God is with you,
    even when you can’t feel Him.
  2. Your Lack of Faith Is Not Keeping You Infertile
    A few people suggested that it may be due to my lack
    of faith that I was not conceiving.
    Listen, sister, I believed God could do anything,
    including giving us children.
    Some days my belief was the size of a mustard seed,
    but I believed. Other days I felt like I could move
    Mount Everest with my faith. And still I held no babies.
    Any amount of faith we have is a gift from God
    anyway. As Paul says, “It is by grace you have been
    saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it
    is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can
    boast,” ( Ephesians 2:8-9 ).
    You can certainly ask for an increase of faith, but do
    not let anyone tell you that your lack of faith has kept
    you infertile. God’s plan is greater than your
    understanding, and He sees your mustard-seed faith in
    the middle of the unknown.
    It is not about you and your faith. It is about God and
    His plan. God loves our faith, and He also has perfect
  3. God Tenderly Collects Our Tears
    “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected
    all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each
    one in your book,” ( Psalm 56:8 , NLT).
    Something is to be said of a God who notices every
    single thing about our life. As the psalmist writes, God
    collects all of our tears, records them, and keeps track
    of them.
    They are precious to Him. He made you. He loves you.
    He cares for you and your journey and your heartache
    and your tears. He is not letting your tears fall to the
    ground; He is gathering them up and storing them. He
    sees you, dear one.
    You and your precious tears do not go unnoticed.
  4. For Now Is Not Forever
    A dear friend and counselor recently said to me in her
    sweet way, “Amy, no feeling or circumstance is
    permanent.” That is good news, especially for those
    who are suffering.
    This reinforces a thought from my friend Barb, who
    says, “For now is not forever.” Amen.
    Sunrises break through dark nights; blooms come from
    buried seeds; resurrections come out of graves.
    Look back and think about your life. You have walked
    through some incredibly hard things, but you are not
    there anymore. You survived them, and you are
    stronger for it.
    You have gone through training and growth and are
    now standing on the other side. I am willing to bet
    God did something incredible in you, as He did with His
    son. I take great comfort that Jesus is not on the
    cross anymore. He is risen, indeed.
  5. Goodness and Mercy Will Come Out of This
    Psalm 23:6 says, “Surely goodness and mercy shall
    follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in
    the house of the LORD forever,” (ESV). Could it
    possibly be that this desert has goodness in it,
    following you? And mercy trailing behind?
    The crazy thing about the goodness of God is that it is
    often forged through pain and valleys and deserts and
    dark nights. Darkness was a part of Jesus’ story.
    And if we are going to follow Christ and be identified
    and crucified with Him, then through the desert we go.
    Jesus went through the ultimate valley of death—and
    goodness and mercy followed close behind.
    The Resurrection came three days later. And He now
    dwells in the house of the Lord forever.
    Dearest sister, may these reminders be exactly what
    you need today, quenching your thirst in the middle of
    a dry land.
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