How many push-up bras do you have? By: Allison Hyacintho

Dear tear rubber bride,
How many push-up bras do you have?
By: Allison Hyacintho
Copied from Facebook Post
I feel God’s strong move in my spirit to
call your attention to this on behalf of
your fresh hubby. This is something he
may never open up to tell you for fear of
killing your emotional drive, or worse
still, make you feel insecure about your
body when you’re around him.
Listen, forget about the mighty gifts and
loud cheers you got on your precious
wedding day. Forget about the cash you
were sprayed and the brown envelopes
you received, trust me those monies
won’t carry you beyond two months in
marriage, if you’re in doubt you can ask
the folks who were joyfully dancing on
money at their wedding reception, it
won’t take long for you to realise that
dawn comes after you pay the light bill
So forget all that, these are the three
most important things you need to
sustain your new home right now; Your
God, your Character, and very
importantly, your PUSH-UP BRAS.
There is only one rule of sexual
attraction that is common to both natural
and spiritual men. One strong rule that
applies to us all, whether you’re with a
man who is lukewarm in spirit, or a man
who has swallowed the entire Bible, one
universal rule Unites our sexual drive,
and that is, “men are attracted by what
they see.” Always remember this, it
doesnt matter if you married a Bishop, a
pastor or the national speaking in
tongues coordinator, never forget this
rule, even if you married a fire-branded
man who eats annointing oil with bread,
this rule applies to him as well. So do
not neglect the days of your push-up
bras, if old things must pass away
please let this one remain. Buy and wear
them around the house as much as you
can, package the image of God and be
flashing it at his face frequently. Most
men don’t even know that ‘as it is at the
top, it is not the same at the bottom’ (if
you understand this, hallelujah
) from what we see at the top we just
assume it is a full coverage.
keep looking your best for him, he may
have had his EYES fixed on God when
he was wooing you, but trust me his
SIGHTS was also fixed on the things he
saw too, so do not dime those lights.
Take this little secret from me: to keep a
man sexually attracted to you, I mean
any man, whether natural or spiritual,
you will have to do all you can to make
sure that what he saw in the beginning is
consistent with what he is seeing now.
See, men have mental pictures of their
woman in their heads. If the mental
image he has of you is like a strong
pillar, if you know what I mean
, he will become less and less
attracted to you if you keep flashing
‘Olympus has fallen’ in his face. For a
spiritual man, this does not mean that he
will start cheating on you, naaa, he will
just stop looking at you the cheeky way
he used to when he was asking for a
pizza date, and that my dear fresh bride,
Is not a mental place you want your man
to be.
So I ask again, how many push-up bras
do you have?

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