I drank, had sex, attended night parties not club per say😅 and did a few other things that an average teenager in the world will do…here is my salvation story.

I met with Jesus in my year one second semester, 13th May, 2017. It was because of a beautiful lady in my class, little did I know she carried fire. I was just so attracted to her, I had plans for her back then😉 so she used that opportunity to invite me to fellowship.

So the plan for me was like after I attended fellowship that day, she was probably going to start giving me attention. That faithful day, I wasn’t aware know she was the one to minister, after her ministration, I don’t know what came upon me, until I walked down the stairs and surrendered my life to Christ.

According to her, after I received Christ, she told me she almost gave up on me since I was kinda hard to catch. Ladies carry fire oh, use your beauty to attract men to Christ not to bed or just to get money and fun.

It wasn’t really easy for me when I first received Christ. I still went back to bed with a lady, I think the next month or that same month after I received Christ, but then we still didn’t have sex, it almost happened, but there was this force that just held me back, I believe it was Jesus.

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Every other thing happened that day but not sex, I still don’t know why. I was shocked. Even up till date, I’m shocked it was stopped. Jesus truly is always there to help, even when I never knew Him or asked for His help. But now I can gladly say I live pure through the help of the Holy Spirit.

I experienced the pleasures of this world from a very young age, I’ve seen things and I’ve done things, and now I’m here with Christ, I can tell you the truth, this world has nothing to offer, Jesus truly is all that matters, and no matter what happens, I’m still here with Him, I won’t choose any other.

I found purpose in the second half of 2019 but before then, God had already started preparing me for it even before I knew Him. If I want to start explaining my life to you, you’ll see Jesus in it and His love for me, even when I didn’t really know Him. The stuffs I do today for Him, they were already in me before I knew Him, meeting Him just so sharpened it.

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I tried using these skills and talents in the world, but things just seemed not to work out, everything I did with the skills I had just seemed not to go well, it was really a struggle unknown to me that the skills and everything He had put in me was to promote His kingdom not that of this world and that’s why they just seemed not to work out each time I tried using them to do the things of the world. It was really frustrating, until I finally had no choice than to surrender my life and everything that He had put in me, now all sold out to Him.

This world truly has nothing to offer, believe me, I’ve been there, nothing! completely nothing! not even a counterfeit. If there’s anything less than a counterfeit that’s what I would have probably said the god of this world, Satan has to offer to those in the world.

Stay with Jesus, stay with the One who can make you great, stay with the One who truly has everything you need and seek, stay with the One who can change your life like day and night, like He did with my life in just three(3) years with Him.

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My name is Philip Levi, I’m 20years old, and I’m privileged by God to be the C.E.O Levites WATCH TV. I hope this inspires you. Thank you for reading, God bless!

~I was privileged to receive this beautiful story to bless our hearts today. Jesus is still knocking, He is still calling, He wants to have you as His own, He wants to transform your life! Can you surrender life to Jesus now?

It is never to late to say Yes to Jesus, it is never to late to surrender to Jesus, it is never to late to give all to Jesus! The time is now, the time has come! Jesus wants to transform you, He wants to make you beautiful. Can you say Yes to Him🙏🏼

©The journey of A Christian Lady

Unashamed #Salvation #JESUSISWINNING
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