Things You Should Never Tell Your Fiancé Or Wife

To be in loved with a girl and start a relationship is
a wonderful thing. Long term relationships are
usually based on love, trust and honesty. Even if
honesty is very important in a relationship,
sometimes may be hurtful. There are some things
you shouldn’t tell your partner because it may hurt
her or make her change the opinion about you.
Even if you love her very much and you are
getting close, these things can affect your
relationship and should be kept in secret.

Sometimes you can best show her your love by
keeping your mouth shut. So, before you start
telling her somethings, you should look at these
things that may destroy your relationship.

1 Never tell her if your family doesn’t like her
Even if your family dislike her, it is better to not
tell her because she will get angry and insecure.
This will create future problems and tension
between her and your family. If you truly love her,
all you can do is to let your family know that she
is the one you have chosen, and they have to
respect your decision. Try to make them change
their minds about her.
2 Never tell her she is getting fat
Even if this is true, please don’t tell her this. It will
make her feel very bad and she will think that you
don’t like her anymore. Think about how she
would feel, and you can say: ” honey, let try to
lose a little weight ”. Let her decide when is the
time to lose weight because she will do it without
you hurting her.
3 Don’t criticize her when she is trying to do her
This is the worst thing you can do. If she sees
that she is trying hard to do the things fine and
you begin criticizing her, she would feel
disappointed that you don’t know to appreciate
her for the fact that she is trying her best. So, you
should get over it, and you can help her in doing
that job. Maybe next time she’ll be doing better.
4 Don’t tell her how your mother would have done
I know that for men their mothers always
represent a model in life, but we must admit that
all the families are different. So, we have been
raised by different kinds of parents and in
different ways of life. Everyone is taught to do
things in their ways and that’s why you can’t ask
your girlfriend to do things or to live like your
mother. A woman can have her views and
opinions, and all you can do about this is to tell
her stories about how you were raised and how
things have been done in your family. You should
adapt at this new way of life, without comparing
her with your mom.
5 Don’t remind her about your ex in a special
Never ever compare your dating nights or things
you do together with the ones you have done with
your ex, don’t remind her that. It is a hurtful thing
for her to see that you are still thinking about the
6 Don’t tell her some bad things you have done in
the past
If she doesn’t find out already, you better keep
your mouth shut; it is in your favor. If you tell her
that you have cheated your past girlfriends, for
example, she will have a totally bad opinion about
you, and fell disappointed. So, these things you
shouldn’t disclose.
7 Never tell her that a football game is more
important for you than her.
Even if is an important game, don’t tell her to let
you alone in that moment because you are busy
and don’t have time for her. You better smile and
pretend that you are listening to her too and try to
catch the key words. She might ask you one or
two things to test you.
8 Don’t ask her to relax when she is very angry
When she is very upset, scared, or very angry the
worst thing you can do is to ask her to relax. This
will make her angrier because she will think that
you don’t take her serious. If you upset her by
doing some bad things, and you just tell her to
relax, she will fell that you are denying that there
is a reason to be upset.
9 Don’t tell her that you are insecure
In a relationship or dating woman is looking after
a strong and confident man. So, if you are
insecure, or you are jealous on her because, for
example, she has a better salary than yours, you
have to keep this aspect just for yourself.
10 Don’t declare your love during a fight
The words ‘‘I love you ‘‘mean a lot for a woman
that’s why it should be said at the right moment.
But most of guys say this during a fight. She
doesn’t believe a word in what you say because
she considers that if you really loved her you
wouldn’t upset her. You may say you love her but
only after your fight is over.
11 Do not tell her that you like her girlfriend [b][/b]
Maybe one of her girlfriends is very beautiful and
you like her so much, please your partner
shouldn’t find out this. If you say that her best
friends look very good and you like her, she will
feel hurt, angry and will never trust you around
her friends. So, keep it to yourself.
If you want to have a long and strong relationship
you shouldn’t permit or say some things that can
destroy it to your partner. Don’t be completely
honest about the things which should not be told.

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