4 Things That Causes Uterine Cancer In Women

Endometrial cancer is the fourth most prevalent cancer in women in the United Kingdom, and the most common gynaecological cancer worldwide.

Over the last 20 years, the incidence of this cancer has increased by about 40%, which has been linked to an increase in obesity.

During normal health screenings like Pap smears and HPV testing, doctors may detect uterine cancer. Asymptomatic is a common occurrence.

According to Mayo Clinic, the following 4 things raise your risks of developing uterine cancer.

1. Being obese and overweight.

Uterine cancer is more likely to strike women who are overweight or obese. Uterine cancer is ten times more prevalent in people who have a lot of body fat.

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Overweight or obesity raises the chance of uterine cancer, but researchers aren’t sure why. It’s possible that having too much fat tissue elevates oestrogen levels in the body, which raises the chance of uterine cancer. Obese persons have greater insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 levels in their blood, which can aid tumour growth in some cases. In overweight or obese women with hypertension or diabetes, the risk of uterine cancer is even higher.

2. Excessive use of Tamoxifen.

Tamoxifen is a hormone therapy for breast cancer treatment. Tamoxifen can cause a modest increase in the risk of uterine cancer if taken for a long time. The advantages of tamoxifen far exceed the risks. If you’re taking tamoxifen or have any unusual vaginal bleeding, tell your doctor right away.

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3. Excessive consumption of alcohol.

Alcohol use has also been shown to boost blood oestrogen levels in postmenopausal women on oestrogen replacement medication. As a result, it’s possible that women who drink alcoholic beverages have a higher risk of endometrial cancer.

4. Excessive consumption of processed foods.

Cervical cancer is linked to high-inflammation diets, such as the Western-style dietary pattern, especially in women who have an HPV infection and live a sedentary lifestyle.

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