What does the concept of 11:11 mean in the Bible?

What does the concept of 11:11 mean in the Bible?
What does the concept of 11:11 mean in the Bible?

What does the concept of 11:11 mean in the Bible?

The number 11, which in numerology is a “master number” denoting spiritual knowledge or psychic perception, is the subject of a common superstition. As in 11:11, the number is said to have even greater significance when it appears twice. It explains why some individuals make wishes at 11:11 in the morning and why some people who were born on November 11 (11:11) think they are lucky or special. As 11 is considered an “angel number” in New Age philosophy, observing 11:11 indicates the presence of angels.

Although the concept that 11:11 has some unique meaning or power comes directly from astrology, the occult, and fortune-telling, some people try to employ superstition to read the Bible. In actuality, neither the message nor the everyday application of 11:11 has any intrinsic value.

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Some people try to interpret 11:11 by using Bible verses that fit that pattern. When reading Genesis 11:11, Exodus 11:11, Matthew 11:11, Mark 11:11, etc., adherents of numerology may be on the lookout for hidden messages. The fact that chapter and verse divisions were absent from the ancient biblical texts is the first thing that this practice overlooks. When Moses, Matthew, Mark, and the other biblical authors wrote, they did not link any specific phrase to the number 11:11. Furthermore, God doesn’t often bury hidden meanings in the Bible.

There is nothing spiritually significant about 11:11; claims about it are tied to concepts like vibrations, synchronicity, and superstition.

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