Physicians Who Are Fearless Explain The “Tools” They Have Been Using To Suppress Critics Of Transgender Chaos

Physicians Who Are Fearless Explain The "Tools" They Have Been Using To Suppress Critics Of Transgender Chaos
Physicians Who Are Fearless Explain The "Tools" They Have Been Using To Suppress Critics Of Transgender Chaos

Brave Physicians have spoken up and revealed the “weapons” that have been used to silence those who challenge trans chaos.

Two courageous physicians are coming out about what they see as bullying techniques used to silence opponents and the truth as the discussion over the effects of the transgender movement on youngsters heats up.

“Generation Indoctrination,” a new podcast from Christian Post writer Brandon Showalter, features Dr. Andre Van Mol and Dr. Quentin Van Meter, pediatric endocrinologists and the president of the American College of Pediatricians.

Each has a certain perspective on this subject.

In an interview, Van Meter vehemently voiced his worry about how people who choose to criticize the existing affirmation-only method for children who identify as transgender are handled, suggesting a widespread silence.

On the “Generation Indoctrination Podcast,” he added, “I think the first weapon that they employ is that, ‘If you don’t believe what we say, then you are racist and intolerant.”

That’s the beginning point, he said, and it’s kind of an unspoken fact because if someone actually thinks outside the box and says, “Whoa, wait a minute, this isn’t right,” they are instantly attacked in any way they can.

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Physicians Who Are Fearless Explain The “Tools” They Have Been Using To Suppress Critics Of Transgender Chaos

Van Meter expressed his opinion that fear is the reason medical organizations and institutions have jumped so quickly on the affirmation-only bandwagon. People who want to speak out or wish to share the truth often worry about being punished.

They will be told by their division heads, I’m sorry, but you are not speaking for this institution. We won’t tolerate your personal viewpoint since it is discriminatory and hateful. We’ll have to reevaluate whether or not you’ll be granted tenure and whether or not you can publish in journals since you’re representing us, “he said,” if you don’t recant what you wrote.

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This, according to Van Meter, is a significant issue for “physicians at large.”

In the meanwhile, he said, parents are also being brainwashed into the fold and are provided little alternative to the affirmation-only worldview.

When parents are intimidated, they are asked, “Do you want a living son or a dead daughter?” Do you want to prepare for a funeral or a transition? Van Meter stated.That healthcare and mental health specialists are telling people this is amazing.

Van Mol reiterated similar comments and discussed the dangers he thinks are there when a youngster is hurriedly placed on a course that emphasizes affirmation. He said that suicide is the worst-case scenario.

He said, “The finest research has the worst outcomes, and transition-affirming, gender-affirming treatment is not proven to promote mental health or to minimize suicide.”

Van Mol doesn’t agree, but people who support so-called “gender-affirming” therapy say it keeps transgender children from having bad mental health or killing themselves.

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Physicians Who Are Fearless Explain The “Tools” They Have Been Using To Suppress Critics Of Transgender Chaos

He also brought up the alleged profits being made from operations and therapies, which is especially troubling given that many children are said to outgrow their transgender identities.

According to decades’ worth of research, “young people who are gender dysphoric will predominantly desist,” he stated. But now that you’ve medicalized it,

Van Mol said that this method permanently confuses the child, making it less likely that they will stop. He also said that it makes them “profitable for the rest of their lives,” which is another unsettling part of the movement.

In the second episode of “Generation Indoctrination,” experts Van Mol, Van Meter, and others talk about these issues. 

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