Prophet Joshua Iginla Makes It Clear That You Must Take Care When Taking People To Your Mount of Transfiguration

Prophet Joshua Iginla Makes It Clear That You Must Take Care When Taking People To Your Mount of Transfiguration
Prophet Joshua Iginla Makes It Clear That You Must Take Care When Taking People To Your Mount of Transfiguration

When bringing people to your Mount of Transfiguration, you must use caution, as Prophet Joshua Iginla makes clear.

In a reserved Facebook post, Prophet Joshua Iginla, General Overseer of the Champion’s Royal Assembly, shared a video with his friends and relatives.

Iginla Makes It Clear That You Must Take Care When Taking People To Your Mount of Transfiguration

“You must be careful about how you lead them to your hill of transfiguration,” he stated while speaking. He said, “Jesus chose three disciples out of the twelve.” In light of this, it makes no sense to apologize while choosing companions for your ascent to the next level. implying that no one can climb the ladder with you. Considering that you are not the Messiah, who gave his life for the world, He said, “Our God is not selective.” As a result, he does not raise each man at once. implying that each individual has a certain time in God’s plan.

He said, “Some individuals might want to ascend to higher heights.” However, God won’t choose them if they lack the character to meld with the sustenance of that greater height.

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