6 False Beliefs About God That Satan Wants You to Believe

6 False Beliefs About God That Satan Wants You to Believe
6 False Beliefs About God That Satan Wants You to Believe

6 False Beliefs About God That Satan Wants You to Believe.

Lying comes with a price, but so does believing in falsehoods. Sometimes, they have the ability to harm us and our relationships, potentially causing permanent damage. Continuously believing in falsehoods will lead you down a harmful path and distance you from God. We believe this to be true because the Bible informs us of it. The devil told Eve a lie, which was the first sin. One of the commandments that Moses received is, “You should not lie about your neighbor.” The devil spreads many lies with the intention of damaging your relationship with God. I’d like to share with you six misconceptions that some people may have about God, which can be misleading.

1. You are not that specia to God.

God desires for you to lead a life that is meaningful and purposeful, while the devil seeks to push you away from that path. He wants to manipulate you into believing that your thoughts, attitude, words, and actions are not important, so you shouldn’t think or care about them. If he manages to convince you that your life lacks purpose, you may end up living a life that goes against God’s teachings and values. Your life holds so much meaning. God had knowledge of you prior to your birth. Just a friendly reminder, God knows the plans He has for you. His plans are meant to bring you success and not to cause you any harm. They are plans that give you hope and a promising future (Jeremiah 29:11).

2. Church is not that important to God.”

A lot of people who don’t go to church often or at all often question why they should go to church if they already have a personal relationship with God. Choosing not to attend church does not mean you will go to hell or that God will love you any less. However, it is not aligned with what God desires for His people and may impede your spiritual development.

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The devil tries to convince people that going to church isn’t necessary, especially when it comes to their personal connection with God. How does the church truly impact your personal relationship with Him? However, the church is more than just a building. It serves as a tangible symbol of Christ’s presence in the world. The members of this group not only have a shared connection as Christians, but they are also united in Christ through Salvation. The church is like the body of Christ, and each of us has a special and important role to play in it, as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 4:12.

3. God’s Word is not that real.

The devil’s intention is to deceive you by making you believe that the Bible is merely a collection of stories. This is done in the hopes that you will start doubting God’s Word and even question His existence. He also wants you to think that the Bible, which was written almost 3500 years ago, is not applicable in our present-day society simply because of its age. God’s Word is genuine and holds true meaning. This book, written by over 40 different writers over a span of 2000 years, is truly remarkable. It offers a unique perspective on life and the human experience that no other book can match.

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4. Happiness is very diffcult attain.

The devil wants you to worry about things that are beyond your control, so that you won’t depend on Christ, who gives you strength. Instead, the devil wants you to rely on him, the enemy, who will try his best to make you doubt any source of joy and happiness. His intention is to make you feel confused, anxious, and even angry about your life circumstances. This way, he hopes that you will eventually grow distant from God and start relying solely on your own understanding.

According to the Bible, it encourages us to find joy in the LORD, and in return, He will fulfill the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4). God values our happiness so much that when we find joy in Him, we become more connected to His heart and His Kingdom. Once we acknowledge that our happiness is important to God, the next step is to figure out how we can pursue it in a manner that aligns with His desires.

5. God doesn’t care about the words you use.

The devil has a fondness for causing mischief and chaos. He wants you to share rumors and negative information in order to divert your attention from the positive aspects and make you doubt God’s goodness and blessings. He might even quietly tell little lies and partial truths about people in your church community, and before you know it, these rumors are spreading rapidly among the church members. If he manages to convince you that gossip doesn’t cause any harm, you might start believing that it’s okay to spread hurtful or malicious words that can harm your loved ones. This can lead you to develop a negative perspective of the world, which will affect everything you do.

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6. The physical world is greater than the spiritual world.

If you start believing that the physical world is more real than the spiritual world, the devil can deceive you into chasing after things like money, power, and fame. You might end up thinking that materialistic possessions are more significant than having a meaningful connection with God. If you hold this belief, you may not prioritize seeking the kingdom of God as your first priority. However, the greatness found in God’s Heavenly Kingdom surpasses any material possessions we may acquire during our time on Earth in physical form.

According to 1 Timothy 1:9-11, the passage mentions that lying is one of the behaviors commonly observed among those who disregard the law. Just like there are individuals who lie to avoid facing the truth, there are also people who believe in falsehoods to avoid accepting God’s truth. God always tells the truth, unlike the devil who is known for constantly lying. Actually, he is the one who holds the truth. According to Hebrews 6:18, it states that God is incapable of lying. Jesus says that He is the way, the truth, and the life. As believers in Jesus, we are called to live our lives in accordance with the truth. When we believe these lies, it prevents us from truly experiencing and embracing life.

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