If you have these 5 signs in you, it means you are spiritually gifted (No. 2 will surprise you)

If you have these 5 signs in you, it means you are spiritually gifted (No. 2 will surprise you)
If you have these 5 signs in you, it means you are spiritually gifted (No. 2 will surprise you)

If you have these 5 signs in you, it means you are spiritually gifted (No. 2 will surprise you)

To get spiritual guidance, one has to be open to it. Everyone can be open and to reinforce their intuition, while some of them already have a spiritual gift waiting to be found. Here we look at the five signs showing / meaning you have a spiritual gift.

1. Having visions that come true often.

Some visions may come in the form of a picture that appears randomly in your mind or maybe a strong feeling that you get when you speak to someone or maybe a recurring dream. If your visions always come true, then you have a spiritual gift that is a pretty tell-tale sign.

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2. You’re An Empath

At the same time empathy can be both a gift and a curse. Empaths feel the people around them feel like they’re their own. Sometimes this ability can be extremely overwhelming, and even hard to handle. But when an empathy learns to take control of its own life while feeling the pain and joy of others, then that ability can only be a spiritual gift.

3. Strong Intuition

So many people are full of self-doubt. They always second-guess their decisions and usually wonder if they should trust their instincts, or shouldn’t. A powerful intuition is a real spiritual gift. It enables you to trust your decisions, to be strong in your beliefs, and to be open-minded to the messages you receive.

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4. You Have Nightmares

Don’t be taken aback by this. Everyone has nightmares but those who have a spiritual gift are far more than just a nightmare. You end up waking up from a sweating or panting nightmare because it looked so real. Usually, if your nightmares stir you up, it means someone is trying to get you a message.

5. Waking Up During The Spiritual Hour

If you always find yourself waking up between 3-4 a.m often, then it isn’t a bathroom break. This hour is known as the ‘devils hour’ or ‘spiritual hour’. If you wake up this time around then it’s a sign that some spirits want to communicate with you. If you are trying to be open, you will get the messages.he messages.

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