Do This If You Want To Make A Difference In Your Marriage – Faith Oyedepo

Action speaks louder than words! I know you have heard it said before, but do you really believe it? You know, doing what you think you believe proves that you actually believe it. One aspect where this saying should apply, is in the marriage arrangement. Let me explain.

Any man can tell any woman that he loves her, and any woman can tell any man that she loves him. But the only way for you to know if a man or a woman really loves you is by his or her actions towards you. This can make a lot of difference in your relationship. Faith Oyedepo said that there is a place for words, but there’s also a place for action. She said that if you show actions, for example, by lending a helping hand to your spouse when he or she needs it, would make a lot of difference in your relationship.

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Imagine a scenario where a man keeps telling his wife that he loves her, but yet does not spend time with her as much as he should, or ignores her when she needs someone to converse with. Even if the man truly loves his wife (although that’s hard to imagine), doubts will begin to spring up in his wife’s mind because he never showed his love. His wife will begin to wonder if he really meant the words that he said. It also applies to a wife who never does same for her husband even if she claims to love him.

By the way, I don’t believe you can love someone and fail to show it. If you truly love someone, you would want the person to be reassured of your love, and you would do whatever you have to, In order for the person to get that assurance.

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