Biblical Reasons Why You Should Not Engage In Fraud (Yahoo) As A Christian

As a Christian, there are certain things you shouldn’t be involved in because they go against the principles and laws of God; and one of them is “Yahoo Yahoo.” The name is a rebranding of what we generally called “Fraud, Scamming or Stealing,” and this goes against the rules of God and what he stands for. Christians are to show examples of good morals and not do the opposite.

You have the righteousness of God inside of you through Jesus Christ and this is why any form of theft and evil should no longer be associated with you as a Christian. The reason is that when you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour, you proclaimed to follow all that he represents; therefore turning into a ‘yahoo boy’ goes against all that God represents, and this contradicts your belief in him.

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“Yahoo Yahoo” is the scheme the devil is trying to use to pull young souls most especially men to the pit of hell and becoming a “yahoo boy” only takes you there. He doesn’t want to be there alone rather he wants God’s children to fall into the pit of hell with him. In the Bible, the book of John 10:10 says “The thief (devil) cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.”

The Bible expressly talked about what the devil is trying to do in the world. He wants souls to be lost in various ways. The devil isn’t trying to make you rich by becoming a “yahoo boy;” he is trying to deviate your path from God. Some might argue that they go to church, pray, fast, pay tithes and even do offerings with the money they make from this immoral means.

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God doesn’t recognize it or you as a yahoo boy for doing so. You anger God the more by going to his altar with stolen money and wealth. Remember, Cain in the bible (Genesis 4:5), whose offerings weren’t accepted because he brought bad things to sacrifice to God, this is how the money obtained through “yahoo yahoo” is also not accepted by God.

This is why you should not become a “Yahoo boy” as a Christian. You defiled your body which is the temple of God and go against God’s commandments which says in the book of Exodus 20:15 “Thou shalt not steal.” The verse 20:17 also says “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbour’s.”

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The is the commandments from God and this is why you should not get yourself involved as a Christian because “Yahoo Yahoo” is stealing and coveting another man’s properties. Let the word of God guide you all the time.


  1. What happened in the Bible concerning two brothers which were the sons of Issac,one was hairy and the other wasn’t,I guess you know the story,I would like to ask what happened in the Bible was it not a sign of Yahoo but God still blessed the other which wasn’t hairy but acted like he was and took the blessings from his father???

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