Health Reasons Why You Feel Sleepy All The Time


According to WebMD, it is natural for people to feel sleepy sometimes, particularly following a long day. On the other hand, excessive sleepiness can be disruptive and make it difficult to carry out daily activities.

Getting an uninterrupted eight hours of sleep each night can be challenging. To make matters worse, you may discover that you are still exhausted despite getting adequate sleep at times. The reality is that sleepiness can be caused by a number of different factors.

1. Sleep Deprivation

A person is said to be sleep-deprived if they do not get adequate sleep. Adults require between seven and eight hours of sleep per night to feel alert and rested the following day. A person who does not get adequate sleep at night is more likely to have sleep deprivation the following day.

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People who do not get enough sleep consistently may feel weary all of the time. Sleep deprivation is caused by a variety of factors, including excessive or irregular work hours, personal obligations, and an underlying medical condition.

2. Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a dangerous sleep disorder in which individuals temporarily cease breathing while sleeping. The majority of people are unaware that this is occurring, yet it can result in snoring and fatigue during the day.

Obesity, smoking, and excessive alcohol use can all increase sleep apnea symptoms. If you are overweight, you should lose weight, quit smoking, and avoid alcohol.

3. Anemia

Iron deficiency anaemia is commonly the cause of sleepiness. Iron is a critical component of red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout the body. If you are deficient in iron, your body may be unable to obtain the oxygen it requires for energy.

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Iron deficiency anaemia is more prevalent in pregnant women and women who have heavy menstrual periods. If you are anaemic owing to an iron deficiency, you may be able to restore your body’s iron levels through eating. Iron-rich foods include meats, beans, potatoes, almonds, iron-fortified cereals, and brown rice.

4. Medication

If you’re taking medication, this could be one of the reasons you’re perpetually tired. Certain medications can make you tired if taken after a meal.

5. Food Sensitivities

Rashes, stomach discomfort, a runny nose, and headaches are all symptoms of food sensitivities or intolerances. On the other hand, sleepiness is a commonly overlooked symptom.

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