5 Ways To Frustrate And Discourage Your Man – Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo Advices Ladies

Nigerian minister of God, Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo, has given ladies clear ways by which they can frustrate, demoralise and discourage a man. See them below:

1. Not appreciating his efforts: When a man tries all his best to make a lady happy and she never appreciates it, he becomes frustrated. According to him, women generally have a more detailed brain than men. The only problem with this type of brain /mind is that, if care is not taken, the woman can become petty and this can be very annoying. After saying this, he admonished women to always appreciate the efforts of their husbands so as not to frustrate them and to encourage them to do more.

2. Not understanding timing: As a woman, you might have something important to say to your man, but there is also a right time to say it. He said:

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“You have to understand timing. You might want to say something demoralising and he probably had a bad day at work, keep it in, don’t say it. Even as an unmarried woman, you have to understand the concept of timing. Don’t force a man into marrying you, Don’t open your legs too quickly for a man, let him wait for it.

Men are generally characterised as hunters and the enjoy hunting their prey. Imagine a lion hunting for an antelope and the antelope surrenders too quickly to the lion, without making it to chase it around. The lion won’t enjoy eating the antelope because it did not chase it. Don’t just jump into a relationship without proper analysis and knowledge of the person you want to be with. If you give in too quickly, it can demoralise him and remember, Nobody pays for the cow when the milk is free. So as ladies, it is very important to understand timing.”

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3. Not being submissive: The bible specifically spoke about this, which means it is very important. Generally, men are wired to lead and women are created to submit to the leadership of her husband. Submission does not mean slavery, however, it depicts the willingness to work hand in hand with your husband. When women fail to submit to their husbands, this can frustrate him a lot.

4. Not believing in or supporting his dreams: Many men are married to women that don’t even believe in them. One of a man’s greatest need is to be believed in and to be supported. If you, as a wife cannot give him this, he becomes very frustrated. If you are with a man, ask him about his dreams, believe in it, support him and pray for him. This could be a great way to motivate and support him.

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5. Not being respectful especially publicly: “Men find submission and respect very attractive. Most women think it is only their body shape that can be attractive, but no, other things like being respectful can be very attractive. As a woman always resist the temptation to talk down at you man or cut him to size. If you do this, you will greatly frustrate him. ” he said.

He concluded by encouraging women to encourage and motivate their husbands and not to frustrate them always.

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