Mike Bamiloye Reveals Why Parents Should Be Careful Of The Cartoons Their Children Watch And The Side Effects

Children love cartoons for their attractive colours, the reality defying concepts, and the beautiful stories that they tell. They are able to relate with the cartoons because of their active imagination, as the cartoonists are creative enough to come up with unusual concepts that are alien to normal life.

However, as believers in Jesus Christ, we have a war to fight when it comes to protecting our children from harmful influences. Satan is the god of this age, and he has used the media to spread his influence worldwide, and cartoons are not an exception.

Mike Bamiloye has warned parents through one of his followers post. He warned parents to be careful of the kind of cartoons their children watch. He shared an experience a mother had with her three year old son. This mother was half-asleep when she overheard the sound from the cartoon her son was watching. According to her, the cartoon was about children, who were worshipping mermaid gods, and taking powers from them. She explained that she has seen many cartoons that were about ghosts, Halloween, witches and wizards, and she advised parents to guide their children.

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Although witchcraft and black magic are evil, they are not the only evil things infiltrating our cartoons. Just recently, a popular company for children’s entertainment came out to declare that they would start including gay and transgender characters in their cartoons! Can you imagine a 3 year old watching such thing? They might begin to see such behaviour as normal, and that’s why this is so serious.

I believe that the christian parents of the 21st century have a lot of work to do, because the world is getting worse everyday, openly glorifying Satan, even in the media. Children are ignorant, so it is not their fault if they get exposed to things like this. As a parent, you should find the time to seat down to watch cartoons with your children, so you can safeguard their innocent minds. In fact, I encourage you to watch the cartoons before you allow your children to watch them.

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A child’s mind is a blank slate, and the things that determine their destiny is filled in their formative years. Make sure you don’t expose your children to things that will destroy them later.

Don’t take this things lightly. Satan is coming out with new strategies everyday, so you cannot afford to be ignorant of his devices. Don’t claim to be too busy to protect your children from satanic influences. Take the business of raising your children seriously because Satan is contending for the children. You know, the children today will become adults tomorrow, so if Satan can get them as children, he will have a whole generation of adults, and he will make the world way worse than it already is.

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The interesting part is that as the return of Jesus gets closer, Satan will try harder to win more souls; you really cannot afford to be complacent as a parent.

What are your thoughts concerning this? Have you noticed any other evil being portrayed in cartoons for children? What measures are you taking as a parent to protect your children? Share them in the comments. Be blessed.

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