Times Can Sometimes Be Challenging, But Whenever You Feel Like Giving Up, Do This – Pastor Mildred Okonkwo Reveals

There are a lot of things that you could be experiencing in your life and you could be tempted to give up, it is important to know that this is not the best thing to do. However, Pastor Mildred Okonkwo spoke to her members about what to do whenever they felt like giving up.

In the Video, she told the story of blind Bartimaeus who was a beggar in the book of Mark 10. He was always sitting there begging for arms even though he could not see. He knows his way of getting money from people that was the only way by which we could make out a living dead. But when Jesus passed, I didn’t beg him for money because he knows what Jesus would do and immediately he shouted for help. Unfortunately, the people around him told him to keep quiet. According to her as you are entering into this new season some people will tell you that your own is too much.

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They will try to complain because you are in Nigeria and you want to be working for different companies overseas. They know your quality and will want to keep you around them for the main time. She said that people who are used to you living off them will try to keep you in this season. However blind Bartimaeus was on the verge of a new season when he called Jesus for help. The people then tried to shut him up making him feel that there is nothing wrong with the way he is.

However, he shouted the more and didn’t mind the rebuke of those around him. He shouted so loud that he got the attention of Jesus. However, she then revealed that anything you feel like giving up, shout louder. Anytime you feel that the season you are about to enter the sleeping out of your hands, shout louder. Because your voice must always be louder than the voice of Satan. You must be resolute and be determined not to stay the same.

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