Six famous people have changed their lives for Jesus


Here are six famous people whose lives were transformed by their faith in Jesus Christ.

These celebrities were trapped in a sinful world, but they emerged from it when they restored their faith in Jesus Christ. Once they found Him, their priorities in both their personal and professional life started to change, and as a result, their faith got stronger. Some of these famous people even quit their jobs in Hollywood to spend more time with Jesus. Here are six famous people who changed their lives for Jesus and experienced transformation.

Manny Pacquiao

Manny Pacquiao

Manny Paquiao, a boxing world champion, spent years living in a sinful society before undergoing a spiritual conversion. He led a reckless lifestyle and disregarded his marriage vows. He eventually hit rock bottom, and when he was at his lowest, he heard God’s voice in his nightmares and realized he had to change his ways. He experienced a new birth, which completely changed the course of his life. Manny no longer holds back when discussing his faith or love for Jesus Christ; he is now just as well-known for his faith as he is for his boxing accomplishments.

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Denise Matthews

The main vocalist of the band Vanity 6, well known for their famous song “Nasty Girl,” and renowned for their sexy performances, was Denise Matthews, also known as Vanity and Prince’s protege. She also had a successful acting career, making appearances in films including Never Too Young to Die and The Last Dragon. But her life spiraled out of control in the late 1980s as a result of years of crack cocaine abuse. She was born again after nearly passing away from the effects of crack cocaine usage. As she frankly stated in an interview, “With the devil breathing down my neck, trying desperately to snatch and strangle me from hell, I repented,” she has been extremely open about her transformation. She quit her job in Hollywood and is now an evangelist.

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Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson

Dwayne Johnson, a semi-retired professional wrestler, actor, and producer, oozes confidence on and off camera, but he has battled melancholy his whole life. He stressed in a conversation with Oprah how his faith helped him fight his depression, adding, “You have to keep onto that essential characteristic of faith. Possess faith. And there is something positive on the other side of your grief. Because without Jesus, Dwayne wouldn’t be where he is today, he acknowledges his blessings every day.

Montell Jordan

Montell Jordan

The singer we can thank for the popular ‘90s anthem ‘This is How We Do It’ left his music career and fame behind in an effort to reconnect with his family and his faith. Montell said the Lord spoke to him and said he needed to lay the life he was currently living down. After following this call, his family became members of Victory World Church in Atlanta, and he was transformed by his experience. Today, he is a Worship Minster and released a gospel album.

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Angus T. Jones

Angus T. Jones

Young actor Angus T. Jones appeared to have it all from the outside looking in. He was laying the foundation for significant Hollywood success as the young boy from Two and a Half Men, one of the most paid child performers. But as soon as his faith started to change, the young star started to lose interest in the program. In a 2012 YouTube video, he referred to the program as “filth” and quit, stating he felt like a paid hypocrite and that it was challenging to be a part of something that was making light of issues that were troubling for many people. He left fame behind to serve with the Houston branch of the World Harvest Outreach Church, and he now has a stronger sense of purpose as a result of his step toward Christ.

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