10 Powerful Protection Prayers for your Grandchildren

10 Powerful Protection Prayers for your Grandchildren
10 Powerful Protection Prayers for your Grandchildren

10 Inspiring Prayers for Your Grandchildren’s Safety

“Grandma, read it once more! Please.”

Honey, we’ve already read this book three times.

Please say, “I know, just once more.”

Children enjoy being read to, and many of them have a favorite book that they frequently reread. What a wonderful method to encourage a love of reading among kids.

Grandparents and grandchildren can have a lot of fun reading together. The grandchildren will benefit from the physical touch if you do it while cuddling. No matter the weather, you can still do it. It requires little effort on the part of grandparents and is not physically demanding. The greatest benefit of reading to your grandchildren is that it fosters a lifelong love of reading in them.

Go to the best book of all, the Bible, to select your reading material when choosing anything to read to your grandchildren. When grandchildren are reading, it’s a terrific opportunity to start introducing them to biblical truth and sowing the seeds of God’s love in their hearts. Here are some helpful lessons to get you started, along with the passages that support them.

10 Powerful Protection Prayers for your Grandchildren

Verse 1: Love (1 John 4:16)

“God is love” is one of the first memory verses that Sunday school teachers teach to their children. These three words, which are taken from 1 John 4:16, can be quoted even by very young children. “Therefore, we are aware of and rely on God’s love for us. Gott ist Liebe. Anyone who lives in love has God in them and God in them.

You may show your grandchildren love every day in addition to reading to them about it. Small gestures of generosity shown to them will be noticed. Bring them along when you visit a shut-in, bring cookies to a neighbor, or deliver food to someone to teach them how to be loving. You’ll set an example for others by displaying God’s love.

Verse 2: Satisfaction (Philippians 4:12)

Paul claims to have developed the ability to be content in any situation. I understand what it’s like to be in need and what it’s like to have much, he claims. I now know how to be happy no matter what the circumstances, whether I’m well nourished or starving, or whether I have lots or nothi

When you read this verse to your grandchildren, you have the chance to talk about many situations that might often be challenging to be content with. Most likely, something happened inside the family in the past couple of days where someone struggled with contentment. This would be a wonderful time to teach your grandchildren the difference between satisfaction and discontent if the issue has not been resolved.

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To further understand the idea of being content in whatever situation you are in, it can be helpful to role-play a few scenarios for this verse.

Verse 3: Joy (Philippians 4:4)

“Always rejoice in the Lord. Rejoice, I’ll say it again. Educate your grandchildren on the importance of the word “always” in this text. Ask them if they can recall an occasion when celebrating was truly difficult. Then tell them about a moment when it was challenging for you. Tell them about a time when you didn’t feel very joyful and how you managed to recover it.

Encourage your grandchildren to repeat this passage with you multiple times because it is simple to remember. Even better, if you know one of the many songs that are based on this verse, teach them to sing along with you.

Verse 4: Wisdom (James 1:5)

Even young children must make thousands of decisions every day, including when to wake up, how to brush their teeth, what to wear to school, what to eat for breakfast or whether to eat breakfast, whether or not to obey their parents (a decision that arises frequently throughout the day), what shoes to wear, and many more. Some of the simpler ones are those. Grandchildren are under more pressure as they become older to make social decisions, decisions about higher education, and other things. Furthermore, children must learn to seek knowledge as they mature, despite the fact that it frequently seems like a weighty, adult concept.

James gives us some quite straightforward advice on how to acquire wisdom. If any of you lack understanding, you should seek God for it since He is a generous giver who does not hold anybody accountable for their actions (James 1:5). You only need to ask for wisdom; you don’t need to fulfill any particular requirements. There are no qualifications or age restrictions.

Encourage your grandchildren to make sensible decisions. Give them a few situations where a decision must be taken and assist them in understanding how a little knowledge may make a big difference.

Verse 5: Harmony (Isaiah 26:3)

There are many unsettling aspects of our modern life. There are many harmful distractions available. You want to demonstrate to your grandchildren that it is possible to live in complete tranquility even in this imperfect world.

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Because they have faith in you, individuals with solid thoughts will be kept in absolute tranquility (Isaiah 26:3). Another translation of that verse is found in the KJV. “You’ll keep him completely at rest.” Whose attention is fixed on You because he has faith in You. The grandchildren might find that a little bit simpler to comprehend. In the end, focusing on Jesus is the key to ultimate serenity. Have you had that happen to you? Everything is good until your eyes and thoughts start to wander, at which point you become overwhelmed by the distractions of the outside world. Give your grandchildren some advice on how to keep their focus on Jesus and encourage them to do so.

Verse 6: Generosity (Ephesians 4:32)

Another verse that your grandchildren undoubtedly learned at a young age is this one. “Be kind and sympathetic to one another, extending forgiveness to one another, just as God did to you in Christ.” Be kind to one another is the Sunday school version for young children.

Kindness is a crucial idea. Simply put, there isn’t enough of it in the world today. After reading this stanza, have a conversation on kindness and its origins. Plan to be kind to someone in the upcoming week. If your grandchildren are older, talk to them about forgiveness as well. Forgiveness is a crucial part of our Christian walk.

Hope in verse 7 (Jeremiah 29:11)

The LORD states, “For I know the plans I have for you—plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” One of the most well-known verses, it is frequently cited during important events like graduations, birthdays, and other occasions.

Your grandchildren need to understand that Jesus is the source of our greatest hope and that God has a predetermined course for their life. We must remind them to stay focused on the path because God has a plan for each of them. Making plans can keep you on the correct track.

Verse 8: Self-assurance (1 Timothy 4:12)

People are occasionally tempted to ignore our grandchildren’s opinions simply because they haven’t reached adulthood. But since they are able to reduce a complex issue to a straightforward answer, God frequently grants them wisdom in specific areas. Praise your grandchildren for the times you’ve seen them show maturity. It could be anything as easy as choosing a friend who shares their values or refraining from bickering over a toy when there are plenty of others in the room.

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Don’t let anyone treat you poorly because you’re young; instead, set an example for the believers by being pure in thought, word, and deed (1 Timothy 4:12). No matter how young, your grandchildren can set an example for others.

Verse 9: Thankfulness (Psalm 136:1)

A happy life is one that is full of appreciation. Being grateful for what you do have has nothing to do with how much you have. Grandchildren can start cultivating a spirit of gratitude from a very young age. The ideal people to instruct them are grandparents. Spend some time discussing the things in your life for which you are grateful. Encourage your grandchildren to recognize the positive aspects of their lives. Give thanks as a group after reading this poem!

“Thank the Lord, for he is merciful. His love is unending (Psalm 136:1). Above all else, though, we have God to thank for his unfailing goodness and unfailing love. How wonderful!

Salvation in verse 10 (John 3:16)

This verse might have been taught to your grandchildren in church. It’s possible, though, that they haven’t internalized it and made it their own. After reading it the first time, reread it while replacing “the globe” with the names of your grandchildren. Help them to make this verse their own so that they will be prepared when God prompts them to accept Him as their Savior. Grandparents frequently have a big impact on their grandkids, and God utilizes a variety of methods to save us.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, granting eternal life to everyone who believes in him (John 3:16). Every believing grandparent’s deepest wish is for their grandchildren to come to know Christ. Pray that God will use your words to help your grandchildren on their path to salvation as you read and discuss this verse with them.

Giving your grandchild reading encouragement is a joy for life. They will reap eternal benefits if they live according to biblical truth. How wonderful it is to accomplish both!

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