Check Out The Seven (7) Health Benefits Of Cabbage You Probably Didn’t Know About

Cabbage is a leafy vegetable of the Brassica family, which also includes broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, and it’s one of the oldest known vegetables, dating as far back as 4,000 B.C. in China. It comes in several varieties—green, red, and savoy—which can be eaten raw* or cooked, thrown in a soup, tossed in a salad or stir fry, topped on fish tacos, or simply just steamed by itself. Even boiled, as you would for your favorite St. Patrick’s Day meal, corned beef and cabbage!

The inexpensiveness and health benefits of cabbage earned it its nickname “drug of the poor” during the Middle Ages. If you are truly trying to improve your diet, adding this cruciferous vegetable to your meal plan is a good place to start.  Here are 13 good reasons why:

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1. Improved Digestion: You’ve heard “eat your roughage” and cabbage is a healthful source. Its fiber and water content can help to prevent constipation and maintain a healthy digestive tract. Eating cabbage in fermented form (sauerkraut) also gives you a boost of probiotics, one of the best things for a healthy digestive system and gut.

2. Weight Loss: With a mere 33 calories per cup, cabbage is high in fiber and contains zero fat. Cabbage is frequently recommended to people who want to lose weight since it is packed with so many nutrients and its high fiber content makes it quite filling.

3. Lowers Cholesterol: Cabbage can also be used to help lower your cholesterol. Its fiber and nutrients bind with bile acids in the intestine and pass out in the stool, rather than being absorbed into the blood. Eating it steamed gives it more cholesterol-lowering power.

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4. Immune Booster: Cabbage is an excellent source of the ever-so-important vitamin C, crucial for maintaining a strong immune system.

5. Cancer Fighter: It has been known for years that consumption of cruciferous vegetables is associated with lower cancer risk. The sulfur-containing compound, sulforaphane, which give these vegetables their bitter taste, is also what specifically gives them their cancer-fighting power. Sulforaphane has been shown to inhibit the progression of cancer cells. Anthocyanins, the powerful antioxidants that give red cabbage its vibrant color, have been shown to slow the formation and even kill already-formed cancer cells.

6. Reduces Inflammation: Inflammation causes unnecessary pain and discomfort and can also lead to a host of other diseases and ailments. Glutamine, an amino acid found in cabbage, is a strong anti-inflammatory agent, helping to reduce joint pain, arthritis, and ease allergies. Cabbage is considered one of the top 10 best food sources of glutamine.

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7. Improves Brain Health: Cabbage, particularly the purple variety, is powerful brain food. It contains vitamin K, and the antioxidant anthocyanin, which boosts mental function and concentration. Vitamin K, an often forgotten vitamin, can also improve your defense against conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. Anthocyanin is also effective at reducing plaque on the brain, preventing the deterioration of short- and long-term memory.

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