12 Things to do when starting a new relationship

New relationships always go on so well and they can be a little exciting, this is the time that one is learning more about their partner that is what they like or dislike.

This is the time that one is supposed to figure out if the relationship will work or not. Do not start thinking about the future already, live in the moment since you do not know if they are the right partner for you.

1. Meet often

Meet often but not too often. By this I mean you should avail yourself but not to a point of meeting every single day.

Go for dinner, lunch, evening walks or do any kind of an activity just the two of you. By doing this one gets to learn more about him or her.

2. Be observant

You can easily learn more about a person by observing what they do. You can tell what type of meals they lie by whatever they will order in a restaurant, the position they like sitting at in a lounge, the type of movies they like and many more things by just observing. You do not have to be necessarily be told.

3. Do not reveal a lot about yourself

When one reveals too much about themselves, it may end up holding back whatever chemistry that you had. Some people can be extra emotional, too dramatic that cannot be seen by just an approach and when you reveal about it some people get scared.

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Many people will not go for someone that may be a setback in their lives later in the future. Have fun the first weeks or even months and avoid talking too much about yourself.

Let it just flow and get to know each other as time goes by.

4. Keep your friends

Meeting a new person should not make you neglect your friends. This new person in your life may leave but your friends will always be by your side so do not neglect them. Keep them closer.

Your life should just continue as it was, do not let this lover change your life in any way. When a person changes their lifestyle because of their match, it is a bad sign.

It shows that you can easily be changed if something comes up in your relationship. They can easily backslide.

5. Take things slowly

Let things just be natural between you. Do not push someone off their limits. A relationship cannot be forced at all.

There will come to a point that everything you want with your match will come true, everything you’ve ever wished for will be full filled.

6. Do not rush

Do not rush to be intimate with your match too. Some people may not be into sex, they may take all the time to be intimate with you, give them time and let it flow.

7. Appreciate little things

Little things do matter. You do not have to do big things for you to be considered romantic. Open that door for her, be thankful when he buys you that rose, take her out for a walk or hiking, all this matters in a relationship.

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Appreciate with a smile, this motivates your match and it creates a long lasting bond between you two. No one wants a partner who will not appreciate anything that comes from them.

Appreciate those compliments you do not know the power that they have towards your match when you show a little appreciation.

8. Be yourself

Just be real. Do not pretend to lie something while you do not. Be open to your match and tell them this is what I like, I do not like this. This will make your match understand you much better.

9. Communicate:

Be open to any kind of discussion that comes up in your relationship. You should be able to talk about the things that are bothering you, is it something that you do not lie about your match, something that you want them to change be free to tell them without fear. Do not let anything hinder you, learn to open up to each other.

10. Have reasonable fights:

Every relationship is bound to have all kinds of fights. Avoid petty fights at this early stage of building a relationship.

They do portray a bad picture of you and the relationship will not last for long. Have fair fight where you listen to your partners’ arguments and reason lie adults to solve your issues.

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11. Be interesting:

Spice up your young relationship by being adventurous and trying out new things.

Change the usual place that you often have dinner together, go camping, go for hiking, cook together, try out new cuisines, and get out of the country. These are just a few of the things that can spice up your relationship.

12. Space:

You do not have to be always together for you to say that you are in a relationship. Do things on apart, it helps you to miss your match and at least when you meet later after a week or more you at least have a lot to catch up on.

This is the quality time to spend with your friends as we know at the end of the day, week or month you must have time for your lover alone. Use this time to have a piece of your life alone, as I said, your lover should not change anything in your life.


When you follow all these tips you are likely to have a healthy relationship that will last and have a great future together.Your match should be your best friend so the bond should be very strong.

Follow these 12 things right in your first relationship to make your love life more fullflilling. Comments if you have any quesions. Thanks for reading.

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