Prophet Uebert Angel pens down emotional message to his Son “LEVI” as he clocks 13

Prophet Uebert Angel pens down emotional message to his daughter as he clocks 13

Son you have been a bundle of energy, fun, and exuberance since you were old enough to walk… in fact you started WALKING and TALKING to the level of conversing just before you turned 9 MONTHS, quite extraordinary and if you ask me supernatural. I must say while you have brought humongous levels of joy to us, to Seth you are a bother who brings what I’d like to call “crazy, hilarious, stress” for lack of a better description! There’s no one else I would rather claim as my most handsome, well behaved, intelligent and admirable book worm, 13 year old child than you.
On this special day, I am grabbing this God given opportunity to let you know I am proud of who you are, the man you are becoming and the God loving Christian you are. Some of my favourite memories and proudest moments are when we spend time together minus your fidgeting of course. Son I want you to know I celebrate the years spent thus far and prophetically declare the many many many more that are ahead. You are so amazing as a child, extraordinary as a brother, wonderful as a book worm, astounding as a student and my life would be lacking a certain portion of joy and value if you were not in it. .

Since the day your Mum and I brought you to this earth our lives have been beautified by your presence. From mud pies and imagination-filled games to high school and video games, again to fidgeting – you only managed to increase your special place in our hearts. You are excellent.

HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY LEVI HENOCH ANGEL and in the name of Jesus I prophesy MANY MANY MANY MORE years filled with Holy Spirit adventures. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEVI🥳

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