My Greatest Mistake…

I remember, I remember very vividly when she called me. She was crying that day, saying a lot of things I couldn’t hear…it all sounded like a mumble.

Bola I can’t’s choking!

I promised myself not to be close to her again or even talk to her again because of what she did.

I remember…I remember very vividly, when we used to be friends, good friends at that.

We used to eat together, take long walks together, read together, but most importantly, WE PRAYED TOGETHER!

She was my best friend and prayer buddy.

But Jumoke lost it. I don’t know what happened, but I didn’t care to know.

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I wish I talked to her. I wish I gave her a chance to explain herself.

I pushed her away because I felt she was turning carnal.

I should have known that Jumoke would do no such thing. Jumoke started clubbing, taking hard drugs and sleeping around and it all started that night when she got that message.

She tried to tell me severally about her addiction and I condemned her each time.

I should have known better…I should have changed her.

God gave me the power to, but my self righteousness and holiness made me a demon to my best friend.

Oh Jumoke…dear Jumoke I am sorry!

On that white bed, that cold night, she told me everything.

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Her father died, her mother died a long time ago too.

She struggled to make ends meet and take her siblings to school but nobody was willing to help her….not even me.

She got acquainted with the wrong gang and they showed her a quick way to make money and it worked for her.

She hid so well because she was so ashamed.

When I discovered, I hated and despised her.

I condemned her without hearing an explanation from her.

Oh Jumoke, I am sorry.

Because of me and my callous self righteousness and condemnation, I lost a soul….

To be continued…

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