8 Signs of a Spiritual Leader Who Is Arrogant

Narcissistic Spiritual Leader
Narcissistic Spiritual Leader

Eight Telltale Signs of a Narcissistic Spiritual Leader

Since those who shepherd God’s people receive so much instruction on choosing humility over arrogance, we in the Gospel ministry must pay close attention. The strongest biblical warnings against haughtiness are frequently directed at leaders, particularly spiritual leaders. Pastors who were haughty, self-serving, and looking for attention invariably followed their egotism at the expense of their concern for souls. In other words, God warns His shepherds to be on the lookout for “Narcissus.”

Leaders that are narcissistic resemble the infamous Narcissus of Greek mythology. This mythological figure, who frequently appears in order to explain a common issue facing Mankind, was so self-obsessed that as he bent over a pool to fetch some water, he noticed his own reflection and fell in love with himself. The “affair” with oneself was unnaturally toxic from the beginning, and it ended poorly as was expected. Narcissus passed away instantly. Over his remains, a perennial flower sprung up and started to grow (the Narcissus, or, in Welsh, Daffodil). Although the narcissus is lovely, animals mistakenly believe it to be harmful. Never fear that your daffodils may be eaten by squirrels. They have a greater sense of judgment. So let’s follow suit in identifying and avoiding narcissistic pastoring.

Watch out for narcissism in spiritual authorities

I have found that narcissistic personality disorder poses a constant risk to clergy, particularly those involved in church planting and revitalization. In fact, for a brief period of time, these people are almost always incredibly successful and effective. Like their namesake from Greek mythology, they eventually crumble under absurdity. However, their admiration of themselves is frequently viewed as “strong leadership.”

One of the most lovely plants in our English garden, we’ve observed, is beebalm. This robust perennial is lively and brilliant. It disperses well. But even in its splendor, it tramples over other plants. Only beebalm can grow successfully. Narcissism in pastors and other Christians is comparable to bee balm in this regard. Narcissism is a disease of the spirit that spreads just like the narcissus flower. The risk of narcissism in the church is this. Self-aggrandizing leadership is incompatible with God’s plan for leadership. The Great Commission is violated when narcissists are spread across the Church. Instead, the goal is to establish a genuine Corinthian Church franchise.

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The Narcissistic Spiritual Leader: 8 Obvious Signs

What characteristics have I noticed in persons who have this spiritual illness?

  1. Spiritual leaders who are arrogant live on the drive of their own ambition. This toxic boss personifies James 3:16 in its entirety: “For confusion and all ill things are there when jealousy and self-seeking dwell.”
  2. Manipulative spiritual leaders with narcissistic tendencies are experts. Their abilities in this sinister art are frequently on display in sermons that seduce the audience (to themselves) into carrying out, for example, toxic leadership with workers. Therefore, the narcissistic spiritual leader is aware that he will be shielded by the “hook” if a staff member complains to a lay leadership organization (such as the Board of Deacons, Session, Vestry, or Council). “We cannot insult, dismiss, or lose such a brilliant pastor. This is what keeps the church alive. The Bible says about narcissistic pastors: “Their tongue is an arrow shot out; It speaks falsehood; One speaks peaceably to his neighbor with his mouth, but in his heart he lies in wait.” This most immoral behavior is typical of them (Jeremiah 9:8 NKJV).
  3. Narcissistic spiritual leaders use humility and grace as weapons. I once received a warning from a narcissistic leader that I would be gracefully chopped to bits. You won’t be able to “out-humble” me! Let no one defraud you of your prize, taking pleasure in false humility and worship of angels, trespassing into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mentality, the Apostle Paul was aware of this behavior (Colossians 2:18 NKJV).
  4. Narcissistic spiritual leaders exaggerate themselves at the expense of others. This frequently occurs when people make fun of other people. It finally results in verbal abuse of another individual in front of others, frequently staff members. How dissimilar this is to the godly shepherd and experienced Christian described in Paul’s letter to the Philippians: 2:3 in Philippians “Avoid acting with egotistical ambition or arrogance. Instead, humble yourself and consider others to be superior to yourself.
  5. Narcissistic spiritual leaders convince followers to put their interests ahead of their own by sacrificing their own. The triangulation skills of the narcissistic leader are unmatched. He is the classic example of Haman, the master manipulator whom Esther recognizes: “Esther responded, ‘An foe and enemy! This disgusting Haman! (NIV Esther 7:6)
  6. Narcissistic religious leaders provide sermons in which they are central, either through narrative or rhetorical and dramatic methods. How fully Paul was aware of this type of preacher is demonstrated by his statement that “the former preach Christ from selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing to add anguish to my shackles” (Philippians 1:16 NKJV).
  7. Narcissistic spiritual leaders lack empathy for others despite putting on a convincing front that they do (Along this same line, see the following closely related sign).
  8. Narcissistic spiritual authorities frequently emphasize prevenient grace to atone for sins they intend to commit. This extremely deceptive behavior is frequently obscure, expressed in a kind of Markdown XL language that conceals the genuine output style. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Our Savior addressed this wicked situation in Matthew 23:27. Because you resemble whitewashed tombs, which may look lovely on the outside but are actually filled with filth and the remains of dead people.
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Spiritually toxic narcissistic leaders must aim to deprive others of their dignity in order to make up for their own faults because they lack a grasp of their position in Christ. In the Christian sense of the word, such shepherds are far from being leaders. Consistent self-giving, helping others succeed, and servanthood are all examples of leadership. These people shouldn’t perform Gospel ministry or exercise any kind of power in the local church. When bringing up the matter with them, use caution. The manifestation of this spiritual disease makes the bearer highly Machiavellian and adept at scheming on the political front. Consult godly persons who have the duty of supervision for advice on how to apply the wisdom of the Scriptures. Accuse not. Ask yourself: “Could this be?” We recall that

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Church discipline must be based on the divine mandates of Scripture and should be modeled after them (1 Cor. 4:6). Numerous verses in the Bible provide us God’s instructions on the what, when, where, and how to discipline in the church. Again, not carrying out this duty shows disobedience to and disbelief in the inspiration and authority of the Bible (1 Cor. 5:1-13; Matt. 18:17-18; Titus 3:10; 2 Thess. 3:6-15; 1 Tim. 5:20; Gal. 6:1). (James Hampton Keathly III).

Paul claims that it will manifest if the situation is true. There will need to be involvement from the college of lay and other ministry leaders (such as a presbytery, association, or diocese). Your prayers for bravery will be needed by them. Disciplining a gospel minister who is sinful is among the hardest and most important things to do. That was tricky, but necessary.

If this is you, what then? We are a people in transition, nevertheless. Our veins still contain the “old manresidue, “‘s which needs to be sanctified. We shall battle numerous forms of sin up until complete sanctification, often known as “glorification.” “Blessed art thou,” if this brief piece has caused a sharp anguish in the conscience. You continue to be moral. The moral thermostat is that crucial organ, and it is not seared. The solution is to acknowledge the forgiveness and fresh life that are constantly available in our God and Savior Jesus Christ. Keep in mind the following:

“However, a large house contains both honorable and dishonorable vessels, some made of wood and some of clay in addition to vessels of gold and silver. To be a vessel for honor, sanctified and helpful for the Master, ready for every good task, one must therefore purge themselves of the latter [sinful tendencies].

The Church can and will be cleansed of all impurities via the shed blood of Christ until the grand Marriage Feast of the Lamb, the ceremonial debut of the New Heaven and the New Earth, when the Bride of Christ, the company of all believers throughout the ages, will be adorned.

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