Pastor Mildred Okonkwo Reveals Common Mistakes Singles Make When They Are In A Relationship

Pastor Mildred Okonkwo, the wife of Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo sends an important message to singles. He said that there are common mistakes singles make while they are still in the relationship level that can end up ruining or destroying their marital Life. She then explains 4 common mistakes singles make:

1. They don’t build on the right foundation: some people plan a marriage that is bigger than the character they are building now, they plan a marriage that they have not built a foundation for.

2. There is a foundation for every successful marriage and that foundation is the word of God. The word of God is the solid foundation for everything you do, so if you are building a kingdom marriage, you must have the word of God as a foundation i.e, your marriage must be under the foundation of the word of God. The word of God is your life, everything that concerns you is in the word of God.

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Speaking further, he said that there is a way that you will work with God and your life will be a wonder to many people not because you are a superstar or because you are doing anything special but because God is in your life and he is still speaking in your life. Marriage involves being kind and having a forgiving spirit and you cannot have this if you are not a Christian. For many people that have issues in marriage, most of the problems did not start in the marriage but started from the relationship level, so a marriage that will succeed starts from the relationship level.

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3. Not getting counsel: He said that many people are facing trouble in marriage today because they think they know it all. “Please don’t just ask for counsel, take counsel and apply it,” he said.

4. Not being accountable: He said many people don’t like being accountable to people because they hate being under someone. “Ladies, if your man does not have anybody he’s accountable to then run for your life because there should he listens to,” he said.

Finally, he said that the assignment of marriage is to help each other to be what God has ordained you to be together and always know that you are not doing it for yourself but you are doing it for God.

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