What You Must Do To Have An Effective Communication With Everyone – Faith Oyedepo

Have you ever been in a situation where you were misunderstood? You said something, and people didn’t know exactly what you meant? It’s happened to me a lot of times.

There have been times I needed my people to understand how difficult my schedule was like, but I didn’t want them to think I was stuck up or anything like that. I tried to make them understand with parables, but I ended up being misunderstood.

Perhaps if I was open and direct, I would not have been taken advantage of the way I was. You know, the same thing happens not just with family and friends, but also in relationships.

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Faith Oyedepo said that openness breeds trust and trust is the foundation for effective communication. If you’re open in your conversations, people will know exactly what you mean, and they’ll be able to trust you. If you speak in parables, you’ll not be clear, and you will not be able to convey the message you want to convey.

If you’ve ever wondered how to have an effective communication with people, then this is the secret. Just be clear. If you want someone to do something for you, let them know. If you don’t want them to do it, also let them know. Don’t be subtle.

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Human beings are not mind readers. We cannot discern accurately what you might want to say if you don’t speak up clearly. This would make your life a whole lot easier. Be blessed.

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