THE QUEST ( The Voice You Listen To)

Episode 3
Grandma woke up very Moody and sat outside, without talking to anybody or responding. Yome tried to find out what the problem was, but she refused to talk. She just turned her face and started singing sorrowful songs. Passer-by always looked at her and tried to relate her songs with her mood, for everyone knew Grandma to be very lively; but she paid no attention to anyone.

Later in the day, Yome decided to fetch water from the village tap, few kilometers away from the house. When Grandma saw her, she screamed, “Yome, my Yome, please come and sit down. There’s something I want to discuss with you”. This was the first time Yome heard her Grandma’s voice that day, talking to her. She dropped the bucket and sat close to her, looking at her with concern.
“YOME, YOU HAVE A GREAT DESTINY IN YOUR WOMB”, Grandma said with seriousness, both in her voice and on her face.
“Grandma, that’s what Daddy always says. And that’s the same reason my mother has disowned me. What’s so important about this Destiny and the Child I’ll deliver? I’m very frustrated, Grandma”, Yome replied with tears in her eyes.

Not knowing what to do, her Grandma reached for her shoulder and patted it, trying to console her from crying too much.
“He said I should warn you to cover your legs, so you don’t conceive for an undeserving fellow. Your husband and your baby are very important to Him and you are the link between them. Yome, don’t ever let anyone deceive you to open your legs oh….. Avoid deceivers”, Grandma said, and stood up. She walked inside, looking at the ground as if Yome wasn’t there with her.

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Confused and frustrated than ever, Yome took her bucket and left for the tap. She thought the sermon about her Destined child ended with her father, but hearing it from her Grandma gave her much concern.

She was lost in thoughts, and didn’t even notice Efe walking alongside with her.
“What is the matter, Yome? Why is your face like this and what are you thinking about?” Efe asked after tapping her shoulder.
Yome smiled and told her what Grandma just explained to her. Efe was more confused than her friend, and advised they forgot the issue and focus on their exams. Together, they went to the tap, and on their way back, they met Yoma. He was talking with some guys, who pointed at Yome, referring to her as the current Grammarian of the village. She didn’t pay attention to them but just walked away.

“Hey, aren’t you the one I’m talking to? What have you achieved that making you so puffy and snobbish? You aren’t even pretty, Yoma angrily shouted at Yome but she didn’t turn. She had a lot to deal with and didn’t have time for such nonsense.

What’s so important about one’s Destiny and children? Will avoiding men save Yome from meeting the undeserving fellow? Continue reading to find out

Point to note: In a multitude of counsel, there’s safety. Pay attention to the advise of an elder

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By Joy Joseph

THE QUEST ( The Voice You Listen To)

Episode 4
“Yome, where are you going? You really need to give this guy a chance. He said he loves you and want to marry you. He’s not going to break your heart or impregnate you. I’m your friend and won’t deceive you, listen to me and give him a chance, Efe held Yome and looked at her with concern. Yoma had been following Yome everywhere in the village, helping her to fetch water and even accompany her to the farm. But Yome doesn’t pay attention. She would always refer to him as the Undeserving fellow. Yoma was certain that she would comply soon, though he had just one week to stay in the village before going back to the city. He knew he had to get her, he just wanted her and as the day passes, his desire for her grew. The more difficult she was, the harder his desires grew for her, and he would get her, no matter the cost.

Finally, he got a solution to his problem; he decided to go through Efe. He met Efe and persuaded her to bring Yome to his house on Christmas Eve, when everyone would be busy with cooking and other activities, and he would handle it from there. He also promised her that if everything went as planned, he would take Efe to the city, along with her friend and enrol her in a Fashion school, before she would gain admission into the higher institution. And as for Yome, he promised to take care of her and give her anything she desired. With these promises, Efe put her life in the neck to ensure things go smoothly between these persons.

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Three days past of persuading Yome, with futile effort, and Efe knew that the opportunity might just slip off, if she didn’t do anything. She decided to deceive Yome to Yoma’s house, after all, he only wanted to talk with her, not devour her. It’s best for everyone if Yome could be a little easy and listen to the innocent and handsome guy 🙈

Christmas Eve was here and everyone was jubilating, organizing and preparing for Christmas. Efe had informed Yome the previous day about escorting her to purchase chicken and had taken Grandma’s consent. Together, they left the house to purchase the chicken. When they arrived at the compound, everywhere was quiet and Efe told Yome to sit down and wait for her, while she would go and look for the seller, though there was no sign of fowl or cage anywhere. She obeyed and sat down, as she watched her friend exit the compound and locked the gate behind her, to look for the seller.

What will happen next? Is this a trap or a love trip? Continue reading to find out

Point to note: The Desires of the heart determines our actions. Trust nobody and keep your desires pure

By Joy Joseph

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