As i studied the women in the Bible, i realized something most of them had in common and found out that…

In the realm of the spirit, every Mother is supposed to know details about her children before they are conceived in her womb, the women in the Bible didn’t keep strangers in their womb they knew details about their children before they concieved them.

Rebecca received details about Essau and Jacob before they were born.

Samson’s Mother received accurate details about Samson down to what he was not supposed to do.

Mary knew the assignment and name of Jesus before he was born.

Dear young lady, it is not by awwning and saying “God when” on every cute child’s picture you see online, have you gained capacity in the Spirit to download details about the child you want?

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The sad truth is that many parents keep forcing their children to study courses they have no interest in because they didn’t receive details about the child.
You see a Mother forcing her daughter to study law whereas God wanted the daughter to study economics, but the Mother is insisting on Law because she didn’t know anything concerning her child.

Do you know that John the Baptist spent most of his life in the wilderness?
His parents allowed him to live there because they already heard God concerning their child, if they didn’t hear from God before he was born, i am sure they won’t allow the child they had after years of marriage, live in the wilderness alone.

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Dear Woman start receiving details about your children’s life so you won’t stop them from taking decisions that will profit them.

Dear Woman your singlehood is not for you to be going around slaying and asking for urgent 2k you are supposed to sit down and receive details concerning the children you will born, those children are going to stay in your womb and it will be an error to allow a stranger stay in your womb.

Now is the time to ask God.
Lord give me details about my children.
It will be an error that you go and be checking Google for the name to give your child, when you are supposed to know it before they are born.
God expect you to know the name of your children, their date of birth, their assignment, and their purpose on Earth.

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I am addressing it to Ladies especially because the child will be staying in your womb for 9 months.
Every sensible Landlord ensure the know details no matter how little about their tenant before they allow the tenant live in their house.
Dear Ladies go and get details and know your children before you keep them in your womb.


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