After Prayers I Tell People To Go For Check Up, However Some People When They Check The First And See Nothing, They Run To The Bus Stop – Pastor W.F Kumuyi





  • Pastor W. F. Kumuyi at ‘Showers of Blessing through Christ’ Global Crusade, Port Harcourt, Day Five.
  1. Healing for the truly obedient supplicant
    As this people saw when Elijah prayed and he said, “God of Abraham, God of Isaac, let the people know that I have done this according to Your Word”, then then fire fell – 1 Kings 18:41
    1 Kings 18:36-37, 41-45
    And Elijah said to Ahab, get thee up, eat and drink because all the problems of the past, tonight, this time, they are vanishing away for there is a sound of abundance of rain.
    Only Elijah heard that sound of abundance of rain. Ahab did not hear, Jezebel did not hear, the servants of Ahab did not hear. Even the servant of Elijah did not hear.
    -But whether other people hear or not, your miracle is definite tonight.

There is a sound of abundance of rain. Not only rain, in your life: abundance of supplies, abundance of provision, abundance of miracles.
1 Kings 18:42
Even though he (Ahab) did not hear the sound of abundance of rain, he knew this Prophet who prayed and fire came down, whatever He tells me now, I will do, because he hears what I cannot hear. If Ahab could act like that, how about you? You are better than Ahab now? Am I right? You are better than Jezebel? Am I right?
If Ahab could go up and eat and “the three and half years of famine is coming to an end now”: he didn’t see the vision. He didn’t hear any voice from heaven, only Elijah heard and he believed Elijah.
-As you believe the Prophet, the man of God, you believe the one that God has sent you tonight, miracles will happen in your life.

Ahab went up, to eat and to drink; Elijah went up to the top of Carmel and he cast himself down upon the earth and put his face between his knees. Elijah, that great prophet, at his own time that was how he prayed. But then later, a greater than Elijah, what is his name? Jesus; is come now and when Jesus prayed, He didn’t cast Himself down. Jesus is the Word and in the beginning was with God and the Word was God – John 1:1
He (Jesus) doesn’t cast Himself down, all He does now is look up and say, “Father, I know You have heard Me already but because of the people who are here, I say these Words, Lazarus come forth”
What happened? He came forth.
But Elijah, that was how he prayed. Church Gist. How we pray now, we are disciples of Christ, we are following after Christ and we just speak the Word. “Speak the Word only and my servant shall be healed”
-You are healed tonight.
-You are saved tonight.
-You are delivered tonight.
-It is confirmed in your life in Jesus name.

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1 Kings 18:43
Elijah said, “I have heard the sound of abundance of rain. I know an abundance of rain, showers coming down but my servant, go and checkup, go and see.” He went up, he looked and said, “there is nothing.”
You know after the prayer, we will say checkup, just like Elijah said to his servant, go and find out. He came back and said, “I have gone to check and there is nothing.” You know some people when they check for the first time like that, they see nothing, they run to the bus stop. But Elijah said, “go again, check again.”

  • You must see something tonight.

Check up again: second time, nothing. No, you didn’t see well. Go and check up again. The third time and he came back and said nothing. Elijah was so sure, God had said in verse 1, “I send rain upon the whole earth” – 1 Kings 18:1
Now we have gone through all the verses and we have come almost to the end of the chapter.

  • What God has said in verse 1 must take place before the end of your chapter.
    That’s why Elijah said, “go the 4th time”. He said, “I see nothing”
    -What kind of eyes do you have? When we are saying checkup, that tumor is gone. That cancer is gone, that infirmity is gone.

Elijah would not give up. He said, “go again.” 5th time, nothing. 6th time nothing. He said, “complete the cycle 7 times”
Naaman dipped himself in the water 7 times, Old Testament. When he dipped the first time, the problem was still there. 2nd time: problem there. When he dipped the 7th time, perfection, total time. Everything was totally clean and his flesh was like that of a little child.

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Look at Jericho’s walls. They went round once: nothing. Second time, nothing. Third time, nothing. On the 7th day, they went around 7 times and they shouted the shout of victory. The walls came down.
-Your walls must come down
-Anything standing between you and the power of God, this final day, you will not go without a miracle.

1 Kings 18:44
“Little cloud”: we are looking for showers, but you only have a little feeling. We are looking for rivers, we are looking rain, we are looking for abundance, we are looking for super abundance and we only see a little hand here, that is enough. Church Gist. It is an indication that abundance now has come.
He said, “go up, say unto Ahab, prepare thy chariot, get thee down that the rain stop thee not.”
Avalanche of miracles, multiple miracles upon your life.
1 Kings 18:45
-“And it came to pass” – It must come to pass in your life. The prophecy of the Word will come to pass in your life.
-The salvation that is provided will come to pass in your life.
-The miracle of today, the greatest of miracles will come to your life, it will come to pass in your life.

There was a great rain
-Great salvation. Where are you?
-Great healing. Where are you?
-Great miracle. Where are you?
-Abundance tonight. Supernatural abundance tonight and the Lord is bringing it upon your life.

Altar Call
Heads bowed and eyes closed: Salvation is real and it is coming from heaven. Righteousness is real and it is coming from heaven. Forgiveness is real and it is coming from heaven. He will take all the guilt of your past life, He will take everything away. Amen
You want that great salvation, great forgiveness, great freedom, great redemption and it is coming upon you now. Thank you, you are already raising your hand. Wherever you are, raise up that hand.
Salvation, righteousness, redemption, forgiveness coming upon your life, today it will come as a reality in your life in Jesus name.
Some people say, “I don’t know whether salvation is for me or not”, it is for everyone. Choose life, choose blessing, choose salvation and you will live.

Prayers: Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for all who have raised up their hands and they indicate they are not going to halt between 2 opinions anymore. That Jesus who died on the Cross, will be their Saviour, their only Saviour. I pray that as they surrender their lives to You now, save them, everyone without exception in Jesus name. Confirm Your salvation in their hearts, thank You Lord.
I know it is done, in Jesus name we pray. God bless you.
As we have asked and you have asked and you have believed, it is done.
-There is going to be multiplied miracle upon every life, even tonight in Jesus name.

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As our faces are different, our problems are different. Every problem, whatever shape, whatever size, however long it has been there, the Lord is taking it away from you tonight in Jesus name. So like Ahab of all people believed when Elijah said, “go up. Eat and drink. There is the sound of abundance of rain, Ahab believed that. You believe the Lord, you believe His prophet, it will happen in your life.

There will be shouts of healing, deliverance, miracles, mountains moved away in every life tonight in Jesus name.
When you checkup, you will see. If you don’t see, checkup again. Then checkup again. This last day, the final day of that problem in your life.
Father we thank You, we glorify You, we exalt You. There is nothing You cannot do. You’ll fix anything in every life everywhere all over the globe tonight in Jesus name.
Every sickness, whatever the name, whatever the shape. Every infirmity no matter how long it has been there, I speak Your Word to that infirmity and sickness, come out in Jesus name.

Every form of oppression, every form of attack, every form of captivity: nullify everything right now.
Incurable disease, be healed in Jesus name.
Blind eyes, be opened now.
Dumb tongues, speak out now.
Deaf ears, hear now.
Paralyzed, withered hand, stretch forth that hand. Be whole in Jesus name.
Stroke, paralysis, lameness, broken bones, be healed right now in Jesus name.
Cancer, be healed. COVID-19, be healed. Ulcer, be healed. Respiratory problem, be healed in Jesus name. Tuberculosis, you are healed and any part of your body that is missing, Lord, “do a creative miracle right now in Jesus name.”
HIV/AIDS, be healed in Jesus name.
Spiritual problems, spiritual attacks, spiritual affliction, come out in Jesus name.
Lord, fulfill the expectations of all people. Touch everyone right now. The name of Jesus finish all your calamities, confirm O Lord. Let there be healing everywhere. Miracle everywhere. Power demonstration everywhere. I thank You Lord, I know it is done, in Jesus name, we pray.
You have got it, your healing, your deliverance your miracle is right there with you.

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