Can A Relationship Survive Without Communication (Must Read)

Can a Relationship Survives Without Communication?

No relationship can survive without communication. None at all.

Even the Lord knows how extremely important this is. He would come down to chill with Adam and wife in the cool of the day, to do nothing but talk. And this is why He wants us to always be in the spirit, so that He can reach us every moment of the day.

But I wonder why there are just some people out there who don’t really like calling. They can go a day without talking to their partner, most times weeks, and their soul will not be pinched.

It is not like they don’t love their partner or something, it is not like they’re not thinking about them for most of their day, it’s just that calling is not their thing, even texting is not their thing too, it’s just natural for them, they were born with it. They can be thinking about their partner every second of the day for a month and they still will not call, yea, it’s their nature, they’ll always let their partner do all the calling, and texting too, and many times when you try to talk about why they don’t make efforts to call they’ll say it’s not really their thing, it’s not their nature, so they just relax and call you only when it is convenient, best part is how they expect you to understand them, just like that.

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Yep, why not, we understand you very well.

We understand that it’s in your nature not to pursue communication with someone you claim to love, the same way selfishness and immaturity is also in your nature, and pride, and self-centeredness, and laziness, and care-lessness, they’re all in your nature.

When someone is really important to you;
Even if you have a polygamous nature you will make constant efforts to be faithful to them. If you have an angry nature you will be gentle to them. If you have a jealous nature you will be understanding with them. If you have an introvert nature then they’ll be the only one you will always want to talk to and bubble with. There’s just no excuse for your inability to pursue communication with someone you love, it is just a lack of desire and commitment.

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How does it profit your partner if you think about them all day without calling to let them know? Do they not think about you all day too and still make the efforts to call?

Love has to be nourished from both sides, you don’t expect your partner to understand your excuses all the time, a heart that always understands also gets tired.

Relationship Advice

Source: Allison Hyacintho (Facebook)

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