See The Important Message Pastor Kumuyi Tells Members About Savings – A Must Read

Pastor W.F. Kumuyi, the General Superintendent of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry spoke to his members about “Progressing Towards A Prophesied Future Through A Predicted Famine” at a recent Sunday Worship Service. In his first sub-topic, he also talked about Proper Attitude Towards A Prevailing Famine.

According to him, Jacob saw and heard about the food in Egypt. In the time of famine, we must keep our eyes open, not everyone is hungry, famished or going to bed hungry. There is a place where God has made provision for the famine. Hear and see so you can rise up and do the right thing. If you don’t have a job, don’t sit down in one place and complain, open your eyes and see what you can do to be gainfully employed and the Lord will bless you.

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Further, Joseph told Pharaoh that there will be famine in seven long years in which the previous fruitfulness will be forgotten. This information helped Pharaoh and Joseph to plan for the grievous years of famine. So, plan for the time of adversity and famine which may come in your future when things are going well with you. Don’t relax and eat up everything you have. Save for the rainy days. Do exactly what they did in Egypt according to the counsel of Joseph. Save when you have a surplus, don’t go on a spending spree.

So, Joseph was very wise to have been able to preserve the corn to the extent that even after several years, it was still fresh and edible all through the years of famine. In the time of surplus harvests, a percentage of the crops were preserved for the time of famine. In that time of very early history, Joseph had the wisdom to preserve all the corn intact from pests and rodents.

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Finally, “Do you do this? Do you save some of your income?” he asked and said, “Save part of your income in a very good bank or financial institution even though the interest rate might be low now due to economic challenges. At the time of scarcity, recession and famine you will have something to use as a buffer.

Source: Opera news

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