Candida infection in women

Candida infection in women

Candida infection is an infection caused by a yeast or fungus called candida. There are various species of candida, Candida albican being the most common. Candida is a part of the body’s natural flora and it’s not problematic when kept under control. It is estimated that 3 out of 4 women will experience vaginal candida infection once in their lifetime and it is not sexually transmitted so it can be seen in non sexually active female.

Candida is problematic when it’s growth is accelerated. The following accelerates the growth of candida;

  1. Low immunity caused by prolonged use of corticosteroids, HIV/AIDS or other factors
  2.  Long term use or misuse of antibiotics
  3. Poor hygiene
  4. Over consumption of sugar, alcohol, refined carbohydrates and fermented food
  5. Douching
  6. Wearing damp inner wears e.t.c
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Signs of candida infection includes;

  1. Excessive vaginal discharge without a foul smell
  2. Redness and itching
  3. Painful sexual intercourse

Management of candida infection

  1. Speak to a Doctor or pharmacist to get the most suitable anti fungal drug
  2. Take on immunity boosting medications such as Vitamin C, Zinc e.t.c
  3. Always use only dried inner wears
  4. Scented soaps, pad or other scented vaginal product should be avoided
  5. Always keep your sugar level in check
  6. The use of antibiotics should be on prescription only 
  7. Probiotics which includes yoghurt

Recurrent candida infection after appropriate treatment and precautions taken will need that HIV status and glycated haemoglobin level be checked.

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