Do Mormons believe in God? Mormonism vs. Christianity: What They Believe

Do Mormons believe in God? Mormonism vs. Christianity: What They Believe

Are Mormons Christian in their beliefs? The Differences in Beliefs Between Mormonism and Christianity

Do Mormons fit the classic Christian definition of “Christians”?

That inquiry has a simple and direct response: “no.” Even if the question is straightforward, the response needs some elaboration.

In this instance, the problem is stated plainly. The word “traditional Christian orthodoxy” is a good way to characterize Christianity. As a result, we have a clear definition of what Christianity is.

Here, we are not discussing the postmodern interpretation of Christianity that downplays reality. We are not talking about Christianity as a state of mind or a social movement. We are not discussing sectarian Christianity that defines the religion in terms of bizarre ideas or liberal Christianity that downplays dogma. We are discussing the traditional, historical orthodoxy of Christianity.

The solution is obvious once that is established. The central claim of Mormonism, that the true faith was restored through Joseph Smith in the nineteenth century in America and that the entire structure of Christian orthodoxy as affirmed by the post-apostolic church is corrupt and false, also makes the answer simple. Mormonism denies the existence of this structure.

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Do Mormons believe in God? Mormonism vs. Christianity: What They Believe

In other words, the fundamental reason Mormonism exists is because it opposes conventional Christian doctrine from the start. Although this reasoning won’t be clearly stated to a modern observer of Mormon public relations, it is the very logic and message of the Book of Mormon and the framework of Mormon theology. As the basis for its own existence, Mormonism opposes Christian orthodoxy and categorically denounces traditional Christianity as a fraudulent religion.

What is rejected by Mormonism?

The historical creeds and doctrinal declarations of the Christian church are used to identify the orthodox consensus within that church. The foundation of the accord rests on two main principles. The concepts of the Trinity and the character of Christ have served as that basis throughout the ages, and the church has utilized these definitional teachings as the barometer for defining authentic Christianity.

Christian doctrine against Mormon doctrine

The Christian theology of the Trinity does not align with the Mormon view of God. The core tenet of this doctrine—one God in three eternal persons—is rejected by Mormonism, which instead creates its own conception of God, which has almost nothing in common with Trinitarian theology. According to Mormon theology, there are several gods, not just one. Furthermore, Mormonism holds that we are evolving into the image of God that He already is.That runs directly against the orthodoxy of Christianity.

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However, the Jesus of the Book of Mormon is neither the only begotten Son of God, the second member of the Trinity, or the one whose death on the cross may atone for our sins, despite the fact that modern Mormonism offers it as “another witness of Jesus Christ.”

Do Mormons believe in God? Mormonism vs. Christianity: What They Believe

The Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the other creeds of the doctrinal consensus serve as the definition of normative Christianity. Christians hold these ideas to be firmly grounded in the Bible and appropriately affirmed by all sincere believers in all eras and locations. The orthodox tradition was described by Vincent of Lérins as those truths accepted “ubique, semper, ab omnibus.” As one prominent early Christian expressed, “the genuine religion is acknowledged and affirmed everywhere, everywhere, and by everyone.”

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Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism—the three great splits in Christian history—disagree on key points of theology, although they all uphold the early church’s agreement on the character of Christ and the Trinitarian creed. These are the very things that Mormonism condemns.

Mormonism unquestionably appropriates Christian ideas, characters, and storylines. It nevertheless affirms what orthodox Christianity denies and rejects what it affirms. It is not a new kind of Christianity or a subset of the Christian heritage. It denies that same tradition by its own teachings and assertions.

Leading Roman Catholic theologian Richard John Neuhaus reminds us that the term “Christian” is “descriptive, not honorific.” Christians do appreciate Mormon family values and the fervor with which Mormon teenagers pursue their own missionary endeavors. Christians must support both freedom of religion and the practice and spread of Mormonism.

But by definition or description, Mormonism is not Christianity.

In the video below, Andy Naselli expands on the topic of “Are Mormons Christian?”

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