She said No Reception on the IV: Remembering the MFM Member who didn’t wear make-up in the Church Wedding but used it at the Reception

Remembering the MFM Member who didn't wear make-up in the Church Wedding but used it at the Reception
Remembering the MFM Member who didn't wear make-up in the Church Wedding but used it at the Reception

Remembering the MFM Member who didn’t wear make-up in the Church Wedding but used it at the Reception

She didn’t make up when she was going to church for the joining of her and the husband, she even went with her natural hair but fixed a packing gel afterwards for the reception. She respected the church, for that and kudos to her.

At the church wedding

MFM weddings aren’t flamboyant, sometimes, there are even no receptions. They are cool like that.

At the reception

“You cannot stop my shine”, lol, that must have been what went through her mind. Give unto Caeser what belongs to Caesar, I want a church Wedding, the church doesn’t allow make up and attachment, I will go without make up and I will use my make up at the reception.

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She actually followed the church’s rules, if she had done otherwise, she wouldn’t have been joined to her husband and many would have still criticized her for going against the church’s orders.

She did in fact comply with the church’s regulations; if she hadn’t, she wouldn’t have been wed to her husband, and many people would have continued to condemn her for disobeying the church’s directives. She did comply with the Church’s regulations.

Makeup is intended to enhance a woman’s natural beauty, and it is most useful for doing so on special occasions, such as her wedding day, on which she will have photographs to look back on for the rest of her life. It is rightfully hers. Nevertheless, the theory remains unchanged. Because the church does not want it, things are left as they are.

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Make up is there to make a woman more beautiful, especially on a day that she will have the photos for life, her happy day, her day of joy. She deserves it. But, the doctrine is the doctrine. The church doesn’t want it and that is how it is.

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