3 Ways God can direct you to your life partner

Being a loving father, God is so much interested in every area of our lives and is concerned about every detail of your life and anything that happens to you and around you.

One of the life’s most important decision in life is when it comes to making the choice of who you are going to spend the rest of your life with. This is a an important decision and everyone has to actually trust God for divine direction. In our article, we will look at some some or the ways God can direct you to the right marriage partner;

1. Sudden development of passion towards someone

This is one of the ways God directs you to someone. You will suddenly start developing passion and strong desire of being affectionate towards someone that you really cannot explain. Probably this person is a friend or a person that you constantly see. If you are a man or a woman, this is where you have to exercise self control. Just because you are passionate about someone doesn’t automatically mean that you should approach them, take time to build friendship and even find out whether you are compatible in ideologies.

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2. There can be conviction from the holy spirit

This is not just for everyone but people who have developed a strong relationship with the person of the holy spirit such that they know when God is trying to communicate to them. If you have not developed yourself in hearing God, then this is not the best method God can use when trying to direct you to your partner. The power of prophecy and dreams can also be found in this category but one must have had a close relationship with God and even has past experiences of God talking to him in such ways.

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3. Divine connection

Did you know that God can divinely connect you with someone in the most funny ways possible? You can be at a cinema hall and the only chair remaining is besides a woman and that becomes the starting point. When you converse with her, you begin noticing that you share the same ideologies even when it comes to life matters. Don’t just take such things for granted, sometimes it’s God just working behind the scenes orchestrating this happenings.

One thing to take note of is that, God will become interested in every affair of your life if you are a prayerful person. While we wait for the right marriage partners, let’s always stay in the place of prayer as children of God. Share with us what you think about this article on the comment section below and also don’t forget to like and share the article.

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