God Wants Us To Help People, But This Is What He Says About helping those who do not seem to be interested in helping themselves – Joyce Meyer Reveals

Joyce Meyer of Joyce Meyer Ministries has taken to her verified Facebook page to deliver a message in a video, of advice to people that are helping those who do not seem to be interested in helping themselves. 

According to the cleric, she revealed that God has not made us responsible for the upkeep of those that would not be ready to help themselves. As shared by the cleric, God wants us to help people but not so much for those that would not get up to also do something for themselves.

Joyce Meyer

As much as you are trying to help and get the on their feet, they took must be ready to hold on strong and be stable enough to pick up from where you have helped them. It is not a lifelong act of charity on your part. Once you have helped them to a stage, they should henceforth start to fend for themselves.

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