Labor Day: 8 Scriptural Teachings Regarding Work

Scripture’s 8 Commandments for a Productive Day of Labor

That’s why it’s so difficult for certain folks. For some, it’s a hobby. Some people will go to extraordinary lengths to put it off. The practice may be abused by some. Though there are a variety of perspectives on the subject of labor, one fact stays constant: it must be completed. Everyone has had to labor or rely on the efforts of others since leaving the Garden of Eden. Where you live, when you sleep and eat, how much time you spend with your family, and even what you wear are all determined by your job.

Another unchangeable aspect of labor is that God has a fixed viewpoint on it, and we are to conform our perspectives to His. The following eight principles sum up God’s perspective on work and should be taken into account as you evaluate your own feelings about your job.

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1. God has set the standard for work.

 He thought about it first and created it from scratch. Scripture testifies that God was actively involved (Genesis 1). To labor is to imitate God. You have the power to toil, plot, and execute, just like the Almighty. Furthermore, God entrusted us with the responsibility of overseeing and caring for His creation (Gen. Genesis 1:28, Genesis 2:15).

2. You’ll never outgrow your job.

You’ll have to earn your food by toiling away until you eventually decompose back into the soil (Genesis 3:19). God created us with the intention that we labor for the rest of our days. Paid or unpaid, meaningful work is essential to a fulfilled human life. It’s not fair to put a stop to fulfilling job just because you become 65.

3. Labor is not a penal sanction.

God did not design labor to be a burden, but rather a means to an end in and of itself. There is no greater good for a human being than to…take pride in his work. Also this, I have come to see, comes from God’s hand, for without God, who can eat or have satisfaction (Ecclesiastes 2:24-25)?

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4. There are three functions of work:

to earn a living and meet one’s material needs; to enjoy the fruits of one’s labor and take pride in a job well done; and to glorify God.

5. Obedience is required on the job.

A excellent employee is reliable and committed to their work, even when their supervisor isn’t watching (Colossians 3:22). There is no greater leader than Jesus Christ. Rather of thinking of your work as something you do for a living, try to shift your perspective to one of service to God. Workers ought to be treated fairly and with dignity by their employers.

6. All efforts must be made to produce superior results.

You are to serve the Lord, not men (Ephesians 6:6-7); your aim should be to please God, not humans. Humanity must hold itself to God’s ideal of perfection.

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7. Hard work is respected.

As long as they do not violate the law or biblical ethics, all jobs and careers can be considered respectable in God’s eyes. Neither religious nor secular labor are inherently incompatible. If your labor is done for God’s glory, it will offer you satisfaction and honor (1 Corinthians 10:31).

8. Working allows one to be a witness to events.

You give off strong verbal and nonverbal cues of a superhuman attitude about your profession. The world needs to hear this compelling testimony to the truth of Christ and to the transformation He brings about in His disciples. Mathew 5:16

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