13 ways to save your peace during the holidays

Here are 13 ways to stay peaceful throughout the holiday season.

You’ve arrived at the most lovely time of the year! However, it is also capable of being the most demanding. As a wife, homeschooling parent, and business owner, I know how stressful it can be to try to fit in all of the usual Christmas activities along with everything else we have to do.

If so many mothers seem to be doing so well, what is their secret to a stress-free Christmas season? I don’t know how they keep their sanity with all those pressures. Really, I really don’t know any such mothers. However, as the years have passed, I have learned a few tricks that have greatly lessened my anxiety and boosted the pleasure the holiday brings to my loved ones and me.

To help you enjoy the Christmas season without losing your mind, I have compiled a list of my top 13 stress-reducing strategies.

Tips to Keep Your Peace During the Holidays:

1. Set up a family calendar for all your important dates.

Getting prepared is the first step to having a wonderful holiday season. Whether you use a traditional wall calendar or an app on your phone, it’s vital to keep track of significant events in one place so that you don’t double up on plans and everyone is on the same page.

Both my husband and I use our phones’ calendars in addition to the weekly dry-erase calendar we keep on the fridge. These are wonderful since we can use them to send invitations, reminders, and keep track of event specifics (such as where we should meet, what we should bring, whether or not we should don an ugly sweater, etc.). For added convenience, you may color-code them. Our marriage has been salvaged by this.

2. Make a list of everything you want to do throughout the break.

During the autumn, this is also a major focus for my family. Our family tradition is to write down our Christmas to-do list on a poster or whiteboard (we do this for summertime too). We start planning our vacation activities as a family. Build a snowman, sing carols, prepare cookies to share with the neighbors, take in a Christmas light show, decorate the tree, enjoy festive foods, play holiday-themed board games, etc. Create your own personal bucket list with the help of some free ideas and a fun template.

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3. Create a Practical Financial Plan and Follow It

I know this is easier said than done, but if you don’t want to start the new year in debt or a bind because you didn’t prepare ahead, it’s a necessary evil. After summer ends, this is always one of our first priorities. Or, if I’m very organized, I’ll establish my Christmas budget at the start of the year and start buying presents throughout the year to spread out the burden. Once you have an idea of how much cash you have at your disposal, you may prioritize your spending by determining the people and things that absolutely need financial support and the relative importance of those items.

4. Meeting with the Whole Family

Unrealistic expectations are the single biggest source of holiday disappointment (and stress). Having everyone on the same page is crucial. A discussion of hopes, goals, and the like is in order. Now is the perfect time to compile a list of Christmas must-dos.

5. Say NO

The same may be said about me. Saying “no” to enjoyable activities frees you to focus on what really matters. Overscheduling, going into debt, and running oneself exhausted are certain ways to have a miserable Christmas season. And now I want you to speak it with me. “NO.” Also, you shouldn’t worry about seeming bad if you say no. In other words, you don’t have to justify your absence by citing your hectic schedule or the fact that you’ve already arranged other commitments. Saying, “No,” is an acceptable response. Thanks for the invite, but I’ll have to decline.

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6. Coordinate Your Efforts

Cooperation among family members is crucial at any time of year, but it is particularly important around the holidays. Everyone should help out where they can. Reiterating this at your next family gathering is an excellent idea. It may be extra work you’ve assigned the kids, certain errands you’ve asked your partner to do, or a group effort that requires everyone’s participation. Never forget that “many hands make light labor.” Try not to be too proud to ask for assistance.

7. Use Your Imagination

Finding original solutions to problems may be a lifesaver during the hectic Christmas season. Making your own presents may help you save money, and white elephant gift exchanges are always a good time. In other words, relax and try some new things.

8. Make a Checklist

Lists are a fantastic method of organization when there are several activities and responsibilities to balance. Plus, as you cross each item off your list, you’ll feel great! Everything from who I need to send Christmas cards to, to whom and what I’m purchasing for, to what I’ve signed up to bring to parties, to what groceries I need, is on my list. Lists, whether written on paper or created digitally, may make any process more efficient.

9. Stop Trying to Be Perfect

It’s one of the best ways to keep your sanity! It’s easy to overlook the joy in the little things this Christmas season if you’re so focused on getting everything just right. It’s OK to invite folks over when your home is a disaster or to have your kids help you wrap presents. Don’t let the pursuit of perfection prevent you from enjoying the present.

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10. Be Gracious to Yourself and Others

There is no such thing as a flawless person. Some problems will arise. Some people will cause you pain or disappoint you (and you will do the same to others). Avoid letting your problems ruin your festive spirit. Give a break. Quickly forgive. Indulge in copious amounts of love.

11. Be Here Now

Time passes too fast, and the holidays will never come around again. Don’t let yourself get so preoccupied that you fail to appreciate the here and now. Don’t waste this day if you want to live a happy and fulfilled life.

12. Create Safe Space for Yourself and Your Loved Ones

It’s never easy, but it’s always crucial that you do this. Do what seems right for your family, even if it means breaking with tradition or saying no to well-meaning relatives and friends. It’s important to make the greatest choice for you and your loved ones, regardless of whether others approve or understand. Don’t exhaust yourself trying to make everyone happy.

13. Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

The focus of this Christmas season should be Jesus. Keep in mind the reason for the celebration and express your thanks. With your focus on Jesus, your heart will always be at peace—and your life will be full with joy even amid upheaval, sadness, or uncertainty. The Bible tells us in Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV): “Do not be worried about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, submit your requests to God. And God’s peace, which surpasses human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds secure in Christ Jesus.

Have a happy Christmas season, and may you be showered with many blessings and unforgettable new experiences.

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