5 Ways to Help Your Christian Brother with His Porn Problem

5 Ways to Help Your Christian Brother with His Porn Problem

There is pornography everywhere.

Porn usage is common among Christian males, despite the fact that devout Christians are less likely than others to watch porn. The 2014 survey results showed that:

More than half of born-again Christian males and almost two thirds of Christian men watch porn at least once a month. 
Porn is seen by Christian males more often while they are single than when they are married, yet more than half of the latter group watch it at least regularly. 
One in five Christian men believe they are, or may be, porn addicts. 
Even the vast majority of pastors acknowledge that they have battled porn in the past or now. Mike Hatch, the presenter of the Empowered Manhood podcast, is one person who has suffered in the past.

Being a Double Agent 

Hatch began watching porn as an “escape” when things became difficult for him as a teenager. In his adult years, he followed this pattern and lived what he saw to be a double life, serving as staff at a church and in a Christian ministry while yet giving in to his “sinful inclinations” when he was left alone.

He was hesitant to confide in anybody about his issue since doing so might reflect poorly not just on him but also on his family, which included a well-known father and an honorable grandfather. Hatch, therefore, remained mute. He made an independent attempt to solve the issue but failed.

Then, Hatch’s secret was revealed when his fiancée saw him watching porn.

He remembers feeling “totally exposed and embarrassed” on one hand. “At the same time, I felt the covering of God’s kindness and unfailing love.”

Hatch’s church helped him rather than ignoring him. He claims he was able to get the help he needed. A group of guys gathered once a week to “do life together” as part of a men’s ministry called CLC, which provided some of that support.

Hatch says, “It was the first time I witnessed males expressing themselves frankly and vulnerably in a group environment.” That gave me the security I needed to communicate and be honest. And it assisted in loosening the hold my porn addiction had on my life.

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You can make a big difference in helping your Christian brother deal with his porn issue, just as the guys at Hatch’s church did. Here are five recommendations for your work.

5 Ways to Help Your Christian Brother with His Porn Problem

1. Recognize the stakes

It is becoming increasingly common to accept porn consumption casually rather thanworry. While younger Americans see porn as neutral or even beneficial, older Americans see it as terrible for society. Only a tiny percentage of porn viewers feel remorse about doing so; most defend it as being risk-free and less violent than “real” sex. 95% of young people say that when they talk about porn with friends, the atmosphere is neutral, tolerant, or even encouraging.

According to Jeremy Shelton, author of UNMUZZLED: Escaping Sexual Sin-Satan’s Grip on Men, Christians who choose to disregard the negative repercussions of porn consumption are playing with fire. He asserts that sexual immorality was the main reason why men fell short in the Bible. Some Christians believe they may embrace the trappings of the world while continuing to follow the straight and narrow. The Bible teaches us that’s untrue. He says that if you give your spirit junk food, it will result in terrible fruit.

Men who stop using pornography get both spiritual and physical advantages. A male gets dopamine and testosterone highs from watching porn, which makes him want to watch more. His brain’s neurological connections are altered by frequent porn use, increasing his desires for unhealthy foods. Porn is bad for your sexual dysfunction, your sleep, and your energy levels. Additionally, it has psychological advantages such as boosting self-esteem and lowering anxiety and depression.

A man’s relationships, particularly his connection with his wife, which have inevitably been harmed-directly or indirectly-by his porn usage, recover when he stops using porn. Seventy percent of spouses of porn users reported having PTSD symptoms after learning about their husband’s addiction to the site, according to a poll of these women. Single guys discover that their relationships with women improve after giving up porn.

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2. Make yourself available

A Christian guy is likely to make the decision to quit his porn consumption on his own. Any mistakes will be seen as failures, which will make him feel worse and might make him less willing to keep fighting.
He needs assistance from other Christian guys. But he could be hesitant to approach these guys if has a small number of Christian buddies. has little knowledge of having open discussions with other Christian males. They feared that other Christian men would judge and condemn them. 
Being personable is an excellent strategy to assist a guy in overcoming these imagined hurdles. Show a sincere interest in the lives of the guys in your immediate vicinity. Avoid being nosy and get beyond small talk. Most importantly, be honest about your flaws and acknowledge that everyone has them.

Ideally, a guy with a porn issue will approach you in search of a chance to engage in meaningful discussion. When it happens, you must make sure that you.

3. Keep Confidentiality

Your efforts might backfire if they are not conducted in total secrecy.

According to David Dusek, the founder of Rough Cut Men Ministries, “If a guy is going to communicate anything personal, then he needs a location where he feels fully protected, like a spiritual Humvee.” “Bulletproof windows are present. It has sound insulation. Everything remains there as it is off the grid.

He continues by saying that prayer gossip is a guy with a porn problem’s worst nightmare. Joe informs you. You tell a trustworthy pal. He informs his spouse. She shares it with her female group. The next thing you know, everyone is staring at Joe as he enters the chapel.

However, men will start to open up to you if they know they can rely on you to keep things private. According to Dusek, “a guy comes to a place when he needs to reveal something or it would overwhelm him.” “You know, I’ve never told anyone else this,” I’ve said at the beginning of some of my most impactful conversations.

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“Until you get there, all you’re doing in church is playing with pancakes, and that’s not what God ever meant for us. He wants to marry us.

4. Tell him about God.

There are several options available if you’re seeking tools to assist your Christian brother in overcoming his porn addiction. According to Shelton, there are thousands of sermons and hundreds of publications on how to stop using pornography. The quantity of available content is practically insane.

Shelton claims that the majority of these materials are geared toward strategies and methods. What they are lacking is an understanding that the only way to really be free from pornography is through the supernatural power of God.

This guy could really need God to cure him. Many times, a man’s use of porn is the result of a hurt he sustained years earlier—a pain he may not even be aware of.

God wants to heal the guy holistically, which may take months or even years. The man wants an immediate solution to his porn issue. God tries to entice man closer to Himself in order to fully restore him. The guy will be able to get through whatever difficult situations he has in the future because of his strong, continuous connection with God.

Keep pointing your Christian brother to God during the highs and lows of his healing.

5. Establish Accountability

Accountability is another thing you should do on a regular basis. Directly inquire as to how your Christian buddy is coping with porn. If he confesses that he made a mistake, work with him to determine what went wrong and how he may avoid making the same error again. Bring every accomplishment and failure to God in conjunction with prayer.

Make sure your buddy holds you responsible in a situation when you suffer as well. In the end,

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