Loving people without giving in to their sin

To Love Without Tolerate Sin

I decided to go to the gym in my town in an effort to bulk up. Never in a million years did I imagine that I would be able to deepen my religion while sharing a gym with future bodybuilders, track stars, and models. But I got along well with the front desk personnel, and it was the start of a lesson God is still teaching me.

Sinful existence

The time I spent chatting with “Billy” at the gym was one of my favorite aspects of working out there. When I informed Billy I was going on a first date with my now-boyfriend, he was excited for me, hilarious, and kind. Over time, our relationship evolved to the point where I no longer saw him as just a passing acquaintance but as a friend.

Not long after that, it became very evident to me that Billy was leading a life of immorality, the kind of conduct that most Christians would regard to be open rebellion. But, to be honest, I find the expression “living in sin” to be really offensive. Don’t you think it’s fair to say that everyone sinned? Surely it was one of Jesus’ main goals in coming to Earth. Billy, however, was living in a sin that prevented him from being drawn into the Father’s forgiving arms.

My buddy, how my heart hurt for you. And if there was one thing I wanted more than anything, it was for him to become a Christian. I never knew how to respond to Billy’s sinful actions in our conversations without making him feel like I was criticizing him. After realizing I couldn’t love Billy while also loving and tolerating his immorality, I prayed for guidance from God on how to do so. I sought methods for eating with a sinner while yet being courteous and helping him see that his behavior is disobedient to God. How do I let him know that a godly lifestyle is where he will find true freedom and purpose without turning him away?

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Who Is This Concerning?

This is something I have just recently begun to grasp. When I put my focus on loving others, I worry that I dilute my religion by allowing my ideals to become more subtle. The problem is that if I openly state my disagreement, I risk coming out as intolerant. But that’s not the point; it has nothing to do with me. The opinions of others have zero bearing on my life. How people understand and appreciate Jesus is at the heart of the matter.

I’ve realized that loving God is the foundation for loving others, including those whose behaviors we find repulsive. Mark 12:29 records Jesus’ response to Peter’s question about which commandment was the most crucial: “The most essential commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! Our God, the Lord, is the sole master. And your love for the Lord, your God, must be complete; it must fill your whole being. And the second is this: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” There are no other mandates that are more important than these. Here, Jesus teaches us that our love for others depends on our own love for Him. Because He first loved us, we know what it is to love (1 John 4:19). Being familiar with the One who created love enables us to extend that same love to individuals who present unique challenges.

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To put it another way, remember that Jesus cares for each and every person on the planet. Yes, each and every one of us human beings. And yet, despite our varied love vocabularies, life histories, cultural backgrounds, etc. Jesus’ love for us is flawless because he knows just how to love each of us. I believe it’s reasonable to conclude that if you love Jesus, you’ll love others the way He loves them.

Understanding One’s Own Preferences for Love and Hate
When considering how to respond to Billy, I also kept in mind that I had been tasked with loving the person, not the sin. To paraphrase Romans 12:9-10: “Don’t put on a show of love for other people. Admire them much. Dislike bad things. Don’t let go of the nice things in life. Be sincere in your regard for one another, and take pleasure in recognizing each other. I knew that hating wrongdoing was necessary if I were to love Billy as I am commanded to. Billy knew I was a Christian and that, as an advocate for Christ, I was obligated to favor what was right and oppose what was evil.

In the course of our relationship, I avoided or avoided discussing topics that brought up sin, which led to many uncomfortable talks. As a result, I had several setbacks. My hope is that God used me as a drop of water on Billy’s spiritual journey.

It’s still a challenge for me to find a balance between loving people and condemning sin. But there are two things I can say for sure. To begin, I will not stray from the Lord’s path if I love Him and follow His will and His Word. Second, loving others is one of the greatest joys of existence. Consequently, devote your lives to loving and serving God. He’ll point out the people who might use your love and provide you guidance as to how to love them, however imperfectly you manage.

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Refuting Panic

It’s normal to feel like “Ugh, I have no clue what to say… and I’m not even sure I want to say anything at all” when faced with morally ambiguous situations, such as interacting with people who engage in immoral behaviors that make you feel uncomfortable. Evangelism is a difficult endeavor. Do not be afraid to show Jesus’ love to anyone just because they are different from you in appearance, ideology, or lifestyle. (It’s important to keep in mind that Proverbs 31:30 cautions us that first impressions aren’t always accurate.)

Don’t run from them in fear of offending them with your conservative clothing or lack of interest in their extreme body modification. That’s exactly what the devil is hoping for. His goal is to keep you from sharing God’s love and light with a broken and lonely world by making you afraid of failing or putting you in an awkward situation.

Never give up to the opponent. Put the sinner’s eternal fate above your own ease of mind. Help love triumph against evil.

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