Think Like A True Christian, Do You?

Think Like A True Christian, Do You?

Do You Have The Mindset Of An Authentic Christian?

Undoubtedly, that is a major question. We all too often rush to make ideas about the world around us without first considering how we ought to do so. We usually assume that the way we approach problems is the best approach. But first, let’s look at how we ought to think before we talk about what we ought to think.

Romans 12:2 offers us valuable caution and encouragement in light of it. “Do not continue to conform to the ways of this world, but be changed by the renewing of your mind,” urges Paul. When that happens, you’ll be able to determine for yourself what God’s will—his good, acceptable, and perfect will—is.

All of us had a pattern of worldliness in our thinking before becoming Christians. However, we are now being changed by the renewing of our minds by the power of the Spirit via the Word of God and his people. This implies that as we develop in holiness, so do our capacities for thinking like a person of God.

We could explore each and every particular example of what godly methods of thinking and of seeing and reacting to the world should look like for a very long time (a great tool for this is the book of Ecclesiastes, read slowly and prayerfully). Let’s instead examine some broad trends that provide a framework for Christians to correctly understand reality. The five key tenets of a completely Christian worldview are listed below:

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1. There is only one God.

One and only one God rules over the whole universe. Given that there is only one God and that he created the whole world, he has the only authority to rule everything (Gen 1). This indicates that he has complete power and control over the whole planet. Our God is in the skies and does whatever he pleases, the psalmist writes (Ps 115:3).

Think Like A True Christian, Do You?

Humanity has a position of privilege and duty in the world since we were created in the image of this one God (Gen 1:26-27). Because of this, humans are superior to other organisms and have a special responsibility to keep an eye on the planet. This is why, unlike lions or rabbits, people are accountable for the welfare of other animals.

It is essential to recognize that the creation was created by one God alone, as opposed to as a result of divine strife (as certain paganisms hold). Therefore, the whole world is a single, cohesive system. To put it another way, there is a system of reality that holds true for everyone and throughout history.

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2. Relational

The cosmos is neither a fragmented collection of disparate parts nor a sea of unity. No, the globe is divided into separate yet related portions. This is accurate all the way down. The fact that God is said to be triune in the Bible proves that even within the Godhead, reality is relational. Three individuals, one God.

Not because they are one, but rather because they are linked by a connection between creator and created, which is how God is likewise related to his cosmos. Because of this, agreements play a significant role in the biblical story. They are official bonds that God establishes with his followers.

Likewise, while maintaining separate personal identities and obligations, we are not cut off from other people; rather, we are inextricably linked through connections.

3. Negligent

Sin, however, also taints the world. The rest of creation is also impacted by human sin in addition to humans. As a result, just as we are futilely dead in our sin (Eph. 1:2-1), so is creation (Rom 8:20).Christians should not be shocked when awful things occur in the world. But we also shouldn’t disregard it. For a Christian, tragedy is really more painful because we are aware of the ideal state of the world, which is one devoid of sin, heartache, and death.

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4. Christendom

Jesus Christ is at the center of the cosmos. He keeps everything together and is the initial and last answer to the issue (Col 1:15-20). All power has been given to him (Matt 28:18). This is the reason the Great Commission gives us the power to preach the gospel to everyone. But it also implies that Jesus Christ is in charge of all we do. This is comparable to God’s might, who even determined what human beings could and couldn’t consume (see Gen 2:15-17 and Gen 9:3). He has unrestricted power.

5. “A Look Ahead”

Christianity anticipates the day when all will be put right. When Christ returns, everything will be brand new. We look forward to the day when, as Christians, we, who were once degraded by the world, shall be given new life and glorified. When bad deeds and thoughts are eradicated, paradise will have been restored.

In the end, thinking like a Christian means calling out, “Come, Lord Jesus!” Come “(Rev 22:17). (Rev 22:17). How well do you perform on these five criteria? Are you really a Christian in your thinking?

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