Here Are 7 Things Jesus Did Not Die For

Here Are 7 Things Jesus Did Not Die For
Here Are 7 Things Jesus Did Not Die For

Here Are 7 Things Jesus Did Not Die For.

Just imagine if every person who claimed to love Jesus truly meant it. Imagine a world where every person who identifies as a Christian actively works towards building stronger communities, sets aside their own desires, and makes an effort to honor the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. In such a world, we would experience true beauty.

I’m sorry, but that’s not true. There are many people who identify as Christians but may not fully understand the true reasons behind Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for us. Many Christians may struggle to provide a convincing logical argument for the atoning death of Christ if they are asked to do so. Our churches have been affected by deceitful doctrines due to the lack of clarity surrounding Jesus’ death. It seems that the Scriptures have been misinterpreted and distorted over time, leading to cultural clichés and incorrect teachings about the purpose of Christ’s death and what it truly achieved.

Jesus sacrificed his life so that His children could once again have access to the Kingdom of God. Jesus sacrificed his life in order to redeem humanity from the burden of sin. Here are six things that Christians can be certain Jesus did not go to the cross for.

Free Pass to Sin

Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice by willingly taking on the burden of all the sins that we would commit during our time on earth. However, some Christians interpret this to mean that we have the freedom to sin without facing any consequences. As long as we seek forgiveness from God, we may feel inclined to engage in sinful behavior without consequences. That is completely untrue. God did not give us His son with the intention of us spreading evil and hate in the world. God invites us to embrace the cross and walk alongside Him, dedicating our entire life to Jesus. In order to be a genuine Christian, we invite Jesus into our hearts and allow His teachings to radiate from within us. Jesus encourages us to constantly work towards becoming the best version of ourselves. In order to achieve this, it is important to avoid leading a life driven by sinful intentions.

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Comfortable and Convenient Lives

Our lives are not meant to be flawless. When trials, suffering, or any type of hardship come into our lives as Christians, we often find it difficult to believe that they could be from God. However, the reality is that God utilizes these obstacles as a means to evaluate and strengthen our faith. He has a plan for us and is assisting in our spiritual growth. Feeling comfort doesn’t always mean that we have God’s favor. It can be problematic to teach Christians that receiving physical blessings is a clear indication that God desires us to lead comfortable and convenient lives. It is deeply troubling to witness the immense persecution faced by Christians in various countries around the world, especially considering the challenging circumstances many of them are already living in. So, it’s important to never underestimate or overlook God’s grace when He does give it to us. Instead of being focused on your own benefit and selfish desires, strive to pursue true righteousness and make progress in that direction.

Fake Christianity

Wearing a cross shouldn’t be seen as a trendy fashion statement to flaunt your faith and make yourself look superior for choosing God. Jesus was particularly bothered by people who pretended to have a relationship with God just to boost their social status, feel superior to others, or secure a place in Heaven. Many Christians have turned what should be a genuine and deep connection with God into a superficial display of false spirituality. Jesus didn’t die so that we could treat our relationship with Him as something temporary or superficial, like applying and removing makeup. Instead, we should let our love for God dwell permanently in our hearts. The cross holds a greater significance than any other symbol in the world. We should strive to be a true disciple of the Lord in order to honor Him.

The American Dream

Many Christians believe that Jesus’ death was meant to bring us a better life, filled with good health, prosperity, security, and comfort. These days, it’s important to remember that our aspirations shouldn’t solely revolve around material possessions like money, cars, children, a house, or a dog. Christians do not exist on this earth solely to pursue material wealth. Instead, the Bible advises us to prioritize seeking the Kingdom of God above all else. Although you may be experiencing the American dream, it’s crucial to understand that it is not a guarantee from God. The comfort we find in temporary things can never compare to the everlasting love that God has for us. As humans, we shouldn’t expect to live a perfect life just because we have accepted Jesus as our savior. In Ephesians 2:7, it says that God has revealed to us the incredible abundance of his grace and kindness through Jesus Christ. In this life, the only treasures you can truly count on are the happiness and serenity that come from recognizing that you have a kind and caring God who has rescued you through the immeasurable sacrifice of his beloved Son.

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The Face of Our Cause

Regardless of your political views, personal beliefs, or what you consider to be socially just, it is important to remember that God did not send Jesus to be a symbol for our specific agenda. It’s important to remember that regardless of your political beliefs, environmental stance, or views on abortion, it’s not appropriate to invoke the name of Jesus to support your cause. It’s quite simple for us to adopt our own traditions, perspectives, and beliefs, and then label them as “Christian” by associating them with Jesus. But Jesus isn’t aligned with conservative Republicans or progressive Democrats. Jesus is believed to be the Son of God, sent to earth with the purpose of removing our sins. The death of Jesus was meant to open the door for us to enter His kingdom, rather than giving us permission to use His name to validate our own personal ambitions. Christians focus on one central message: the gospel of Jesus Christ, which includes his death, glorious resurrection, and the promise of eternal life in Heaven.

Make Us Morally Superior 

Do you ever get the sense that your congregation is superior to others when you observe your church community? Do people who don’t attend church believe that they are somehow inferior because they haven’t experienced God’s grace yet? When we reach a moral standard that we believe is the best, we tend to become comfortable. However, this comfort can sometimes lead us to judge those who are unable to meet the same standard. God finds our pride and self-righteousness just as offensive as the sins committed by a prostitute and a pimp. The sins of a pastor are just as offensive as those of an addict sitting in the front row. Both of them are in need of redemption, which can be found at the foot of the cross. We can never claim to be superior simply based on the good deeds we have done in our spiritual journey. Jesus was given to us so that we can find solace in his righteousness and follow him with love and humility.

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Free From Suffering

Does Jesus bring complete freedom from pain for us? No, I don’t think so. However, what we can do is seek solace in Jesus and rely on him for support during difficult times. Becoming a Christian doesn’t guarantee a life without challenges or difficulties. Instead, it means that we have someone we can count on when we’re going through difficult times and experiencing pain. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us, but it was specifically to provide us with a way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This doesn’t mean that all the pain in the world will completely disappear. As individuals, we will inevitably face various challenges and difficulties throughout our lives. God gave us Jesus so that we would never have to face those challenges alone.

Respect the Sacrifice

When Jesus died on the cross for us, He gave us a truly incredible and breathtaking gift. We should show our respect for His sacrifice by honoring His wishes for our lives. We may not be perfect, but the Bible provides guidance on how we can worship and express gratitude towards the Holy Spirit.

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