How to Put Your Faith in God When Money Is Tight

Trusting God Even When Funds Appear Limited

Many modern American talks appear to center upon financial matters. It’s no secret that many Americans are feeling the effects of the current state of our economy on their wallets.

Rather than relying on material wealth, Christians put their trust in God. However, many Christians have discovered that the downturn in the economy has had a detrimental effect on their finances as well. How then can we put our faith in God when we face financial hardships such as job loss, increased expenses, and a falling property value? What can we do to keep our faith intact despite our current financial situation? Several of the ways God demonstrates in the Bible how we might maintain our faith are listed below.

Focusing on God and what He is doing in me has been the most helpful thing during my current financial difficulties. According to 2 Corinthians 4:18, “So we set our minds on the things that are not seen.” Because appearances fade, but the unseen are forever.

The things we put our confidence and trust in, like God, are everlasting, but the things we put our faith and trust in like life, like ourselves, are not. Over the last several years, I’ve seen my family’s income rise and fall, and I’ve concluded that the only thing I can depend on is God.

Worrying every time the income drops again has led me to conclude that I haven’t truly allowed my faith to grow through past times of financial difficulties. The only thing that counts is my relationship with God, therefore I’ve chosen to put my attention there this time around. Ultimately, God foresaw this, and He also knows when it will end. To be closer to God and more steadfast in my faith, whenever this is finished.

Changing our attention from the present to what truly matters helps us recognize that the financial difficulties we’re experiencing are transient.

  • Keep a Positive Outlook

If we allow our problems to make us grumpy, we will be miserable to be around. After learning of a major financial loss in my family, I’ve been in a foul mood ever since. While feeling down and blue, all I wanted to do was eat ice cream. It wasn’t just that I was a downer to be around; I also managed to bring my spouse down with me. I didn’t want to feel better, so I didn’t read my Bible, even though I knew it would help. I just wanted to sulk in my misery (anyone else been there?

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The morning after I found out about the setback, I opted to study the Bible instead than wallow in self-pity. Philippians 4 was the chapter I happened to be reading that day, and it was just what I needed. The first thing I read was verse 4: “Rejoice in the Lord continually, again I repeat rejoice.” It’s almost as if God himself descended from heaven and penned it just for me. That verse not only made me feel better, but it also aided me in putting the following ideas into practice.

It’s human nature to focus on what we don’t have rather than the blessings that are already in our lives. Focusing on what we lack blinds us to the blessings of what we do have, such as loved ones, friends, a spiritual community, and material possessions. In Philippians, Paul reminds us that offering prayers of thanksgiving is the key to letting go of fear and stress. “Do not worry or be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, continue to make your wishes known to God. And God’s peace, which surpasses all human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds secure in Christ Jesus. Paul writes this in his letter to the Philippians 4:6.

  • Continue your generosity.

It’s common for people to cease donating to their church or other organizations when circumstances are tough because they aren’t grateful for what they have. Truthfully, giving is what makes room in our life for God’s blessings. One preacher I heard remark that if God wants money to come through you, he will. Christians are called to be a blessing to the world, but they fail in this calling if they hoard their resources out of fear that they won’t have enough tomorrow.

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Our church has been having a series of sermons about generosity, and it has been touching on how hard it can be to be kind when we feel like we don’t have enough money. Our minister shared with us, where users may enter their annual income and be given a global wealth index ranking. Our region’s minimum salary is equivalent to the 11th-highest paid workers in the world. How can we keep from helping those in need when we see how fortunate we are relative to the rest of the world?

  • Believe that God will take care of the rest and do what you can to help

Although trusting God to meet our needs is crucial, we should remember that God has never promised to fulfill our desires on our timetable. Not all of the old spending habits from when times were better with more money should be continued just because God would supply.

To achieve growth, we may do more than just hope for it. When money is tight, our family reduces its spending on things like eating out and unnecessary consumer gadgets and clothing. We get resourceful in order to have more enjoyable experiences without breaking the bank. If money is truly tight, you can stop paying for items like TV or magazines that you aren’t using. Making these sacrifices will allow you to stretch your current budget farther and, perhaps, spend more time with your loved ones.

We need to be careful to listen to God’s knowledge and heed what He says to better our financial status since God is full of insight and wants to offer that wisdom to us (James 1:5). The next career opportunity God has for you probably won’t fall into your lap while you’re sitting on the couch. Job searching, resume mailing, and making an attempt are all things we need to accomplish before God can grant us His favor.

  • Stop Making Up Excuses

Since God doesn’t offer explanations, neither should you. Sometimes we say, “Yeah, but…” when we are assured that God would take care of us financially. Ultimately, our justifications are no match for God (nothing trumps “Yeah, but the cross”).

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A friend of mine who was about to be laid off and I were discussing about her situation. I reassured her that God had always been at her side, and that He wouldn’t suddenly abandon her now. Upon hearing this, she said, “Yeah, but this is a significant issue.” Sarcastically, I remarked, “Oh sure, you’re correct. A divine intervention would be futile in this case. In spite of the fact that he created the universe in just six days, you should not expect him to bail you out of your current predicament. She is certain that God can handle her problem, yet her words betray her inner turmoil.

It’s a sad truth that many Christians genuinely feel that God either can’t or doesn’t care to help them with their problems. A man with leprosy approached Jesus in Matthew 8:2-3, asking if he would be willing to heal him. While he had no doubt about Jesus’ ability, he questioned Jesus’ willingness. Following Jesus’ declaration of his willingness, the sick man was cured. Jesus wouldn’t have died on the cross for us if He weren’t willing to meet all of our needs.

I don’t give you these rules to solve all of life’s issues with easy solutions. After losing my work and seeing a significant decrease in my husband’s income, I’ve had to put these ideas into practice. I’ve experienced the feelings of fear and anxiety myself, but I also know the promises of God’s Word to be true. My emotions and external evidence are secondary to His truth.

Paul said that he had learnt to be happy regardless of his material circumstances. He realized this by God’s grace (Philippians 4:11-13). We all go through seasons of plenty and famine, but the only thing we can take with us from this life into the next is our connection with God, no matter how much or how little money or material goods we may have amassed on earth. In addition, keep in mind that God has promised to not only meet, but abundantly exceed, all of our needs (Philippians 4:19).

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