10 Ways to Help Others This Fall

Ten Methods to Spread Cheer This Autumn

While the autumn season is stunning, it also marks the beginning of a busy time for most people and a time when stress levels are likely to increase. The pressures of school, job, ill kids, sports, forthcoming holidays, and everything else might seem overwhelming. Now is the time to stop and consider how you might best bless a friend or neighbor who you know is already stretched thin.

A positive attitude and a few acts of kindness may change our life for the better. To some extent, that’s true of all of us. Loving and encouraging the people around us doesn’t need to involve a tremendous sacrifice on our part. The Five Love Languages is a great resource for learning how to show affection to people closest to you.

The year before last, my close circle of friends and I all did this survey and shared the experiences that have made us feel most noticed and appreciated. I now take into account my close friends’ primary love languages while thinking of ways to support them. When shopping, I keep an eye out for a unique present for a buddy who is a gift nut like myself. I try to spend meaningful time with my best friend by setting up play dates, girl’s evenings, and meals out. When I am with a buddy who values selflessness, I never leave without first offering to assist with the dishes. I pray that they will feel God’s love and encouragement via my acts.

Here are some amusing suggestions for Fall blessings:

  1. Write a note and mail it

There isn’t a single person alive who doesn’t like receiving mail in the mail. For some reason, even though I seldom receive interesting mail, I always look forward to opening the mailbox and seeing what lies within every evening. Grab some blank cards, write a nice word of love and support for a buddy, and throw it in the mail.

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Recently I got a card much like this in the mail from an unidentified source. A word of encouragement and a gift card to my favorite coffee shop were included in the card, and they brightened my day. Not knowing who delivered this wonderful present just makes me appreciate it more.

  1. Give the gift of an inspiring read.

The works of other wonderful Christian writers have taught me a great deal about God. There are a handful of books that have guided me through the murky waters of my religion, lifted me up at the low points of my life, or inspired me to take giant leaps of faith.

Foster the Family by Jamie Finn, Miracles by Eric Metaxas, The Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren, One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, You and Me Forever by Francis and Lisa Chan, and Teaching from Rest by Sarah Mackenzie are just a few of the books that have had a profound effect on my spiritual development.

These are only a few of the many that have tested and strengthened my faith and character. One of my favorite ways to uplift a friend’s spirit is to present them with a book that has done the same for myself. Books are a wonderful method to convey a message of encouragement to someone special in your life, since God has frequently given others the words we want our friends would hear.

  1. Gift a Dinner

Pick a friend or family member and offer to prepare them a meal, set up a dinner date to meet up, or pay for their meal as a complete and total surprise. As a result, I propose that food be recognized as the sixth universal language of love. Many people’s day is brightened when they can share a meal with someone they care about. Indulging a friend with delicious food, stimulating discussion, and quality time is a wonderful gift.

  1. Bake Something Yummy

We save our best apple, cinnamon, and pumpkin delicacies until the autumn when we begin preparing them. Among my favorite desserts are pumpkin cookies, pumpkin cheesecake, cinnamon buns, apple pie, and so many more! Prepare an extra serving of your go-to dessert and bring it to a neighbor or friend. I can only imagine the joy that will fill their tummies and their hearts.

  1. Offer to Babysit

When life becomes busy, it’s natural for couples with young kids to drift apart. Date evenings are important because they provide a rare opportunity for couples to spend quality time together. My husband and I make an effort to talk every day, but by the end of the day, we’re usually too tired to do much of anything. The craziness of having four small children is a lot to handle, so our weekly date dates are a lifeline. One great approach to bless a spouse and plant seeds in their children is to offer them a free night of babysitting.

  1. Join others in prayer

When times are bad, we call on the prayers of our friends. If we want other people to know and understand how much we care about them, we need to stop what we’re doing and pray with them at that same moment. If saying a prayer aloud is too much for them, writing up a prayer and giving it to them is another fantastic approach to indicate that you are genuinely bringing their desire to the Lord.

  1. Go for a Walk

Those of us who value meaningful connections find fulfillment in time spent with friends and family through activities as varied as long walks, coffee chats, and play dates. In the autumn, it’s warm enough to enjoy time outside with loved ones. Please don’t forget that YOU are a gift. One way to be a blessing to others is to give them your time, attention, and attention.

  1. Fill a clear need

The Christmas season is almost approaching, and for many people, this is a very trying time of year. If you have the resources to help a friend, neighbor, or community member in need, you may alleviate a great deal of pressure off their shoulders. Unexpected costs in the fall might add to the stress already felt by many individuals as Christmas approaches.

  1. Rake Some Leaves

Trees are abundant in our state. Maintaining our yards requires a lot of effort throughout the year as the seasons change. Get in on the good deed and assist a neighbor, parent, or grandmother get rid of their leaf heaps.

  1. Bring an unexpected gift to someone

Flower arrangements, baked goods, chocolate, coffee, seasonal decorations, and beverages all do well as gifts in the autumn. Gifting someone you care about something you found that made you think of them is a great way to make them feel special and appreciated.

We are commanded to “serve one another in love” in the Bible (Galatians 5:13). One wonderful approach to put this scripture into practice is to do something that you know will be a blessing to other people in your life. These principles may be used for anybody, even a total stranger whom God places on your heart. Your random acts of charity are a beautiful testimony to the individuals we meet every day of God’s unmerited favor.

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