Inspirational Bible Verses for Weddings and the Newlyweds

Scriptures from the Bible to Celebrate and Inspire the Newlyweds at Weddings

How a man and a woman may fall in love and decide to spend the rest of their lives together as husband and wife is one of life’s greatest mysteries. On a weekly basis, people all over the globe make the conscious choice to join their lives together by being married. All the planning and preparations that come with engagement season may be stressful. It’s tempting to get carried away by the seemingly endless options for food, photography, and decor. But if we pause and reflect on why we’re having a wedding, we might rediscover the significance of the covenant at the heart of marriage. In preparation for a ceremony, choosing appropriate readings from the Bible is a crucial step. Scripture readings at weddings may set the tone for the couple’s new life together.

What Does the Bible Teach About Love and Marriage?

Consider the Bible’s perspective on the institution of marriage.

God Created Marriage as a Means of Procreation

The importance of knowing the biblical perspective on marriage in order to properly choose scriptures from the Bible cannot be overstated. An article by Rachel Dawson from iBelieve states, “The Bible gives all the counsel we need on what to seek for in a lifetime mate and how to sustain a successful marriage.”

Marriage was created by God from the start. When God made man and woman, He did it in His own likeness (Genesis 1:26-27). The Lord saw that it was not desirable for man to be by himself when he created him (Genesis 2:18). This in no way discounts the possibility that God intends for people to live life as singles. Marriage has nothing to do with one’s place in one’s community or family. But if the Lord brings you a spouse, it is because He wants to mold you into His image and use your marriage to advance His kingdom.

So God took one of Adam’s ribs and used it to create Eve. And the rib which the LORD God had taken from the man he fashioned into a woman, and he brought her to the man, and they were married” (Genesis 2:22–25). Man then said, “At last, I have found someone who is really bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. For this reason, a man is to commit to his wife, and the two of them are to live as one unit, apart from their parents. And the couple didn’t feel the least bit uncomfortable about their lack of clothing.

As a father, I can’t help but picture God taking His daughter to meet her future husband. Following God’s blessing, Adam and Eve consummated their marriage.

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The Gospel is reflected in marriage.

A marriage is at the beginning and the end of the Bible. The marriage feast of the Lamb is described in Revelation 19:6-10. The term “bride of Christ” is used to refer to the whole Christian community. One of the most life-altering insights is that brides often adopt the surname of their husbands after marriage. What a wonderful picture marriage paints of Christ as the bridegroom, with each new member of His bride taking on his or her surname and being adopted into the family of God.

An evangelical marriage will itself be a proclamation of the Gospel. Feel free to add in your list of wedding Bible verses those “non-traditional” passages that simply talk about our salvation and our connection with Jesus. Your wedding is a testimony to God’s love as much as it is a celebration of your own love.

In Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, we read, “Two are better than one, since they get a favorable return for their labor: if one of them falls down, one may pull the other up.” This is a favorite passage of mine that others have also shared. I feel sorry for the person who trips and has no one to assist them up. Additionally, body heat is conserved when two people lay down together. However, how can one stay warm while they are by themselves? However, if there are two people, they can protect themselves if one of them is attacked. Three strands of a cable cannot be easily severed.

There Is a Promise Made in Marriage

This means that the two of them have become one flesh. Therefore, “let not man divide what God has brought together.” Specifically, verse 6 of Matthew.

A Christian marriage differs from a secular one in that it serves as a covenant before God rather than just a legal contract between two people. Followers of Christ believe that marriage was instituted by God and exists to glorify God. If two people are meant to be together, it is because of him, and he blesses their decision to spend the rest of their lives together.

A covenant is “generally formal, solemn, and binding agreement,” as defined by Webster’s. With God’s blessing, a married couple pledges to spend the rest of their lives together in a covenant they establish with each other and with God. This is a solemn vow that must be respected and kept. Because a marriage, when it functions as God intends it to, is a picture of the everlasting covenant that Christ created with us, this is also a reason for celebration.

Verse Selections That Often Get Read at Weddings and What They Mean

Famous Bible lines are often said at weddings because they have such a lovely significance and convey the idea of love so well. Do not feel like you have to make changes to something that is working well. The modern need for novelty sometimes causes people to overlook the significance of traditional poems in rituals. Finally, decide as a couple which passages are most meaningful to you and best fit the tone of your wedding.

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Common stanzas include:

According to Ephesians 5:22-28: “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. Because just as Christ is the head of the church, his body, which he redeemed, so too is the husband the head of his wife. Similar to how the church submits to Christ, women today should submit to their husbands in all matters. Please love your wives as Christ loved the church and sacrificed himself for her, making her holy by the washing of water and the word, and presenting her to himself as spotless and faultless. The same should be true for men, who should treat their wives as if they were an extension of themselves. For he who loves his wife also loves himself.

This verse from the Bible is often read during weddings. The term “submit” causes a lot of people to be uncomfortable with this Bible passage. Unfortunately, sinners in the church and the wider culture have perverted these scriptures to be used against women. But the verse is really trying to say that marriage is a representation of the gospel. Jesus had the same divinity as the Father yet nevertheless submitted to His will. A happy woman still has a say in her marriage, but she chooses to put her faith in her husband’s ability to make wise decisions for the couple. Furthermore, the male is expected to love his wife so deeply that he would be prepared to give his life for her. It’s simple to follow a guy who sets a good example in romantic relationships.

Never will the Lord ask us to perform anything He has not already accomplished. God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are the three persons of the Trinity. They work together as a team, yet each member has a unique responsibility. Marriage is a beautiful illustration of the need of combining efforts for God’s glory. These lines are a great option to start out the ceremony with and set the tone for the marriage.

We learn that love is patient and gentle from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. It does not envy, it does not brag, it is not boastful. It does not steal the glory from others, is not greedy, is not quick to rage, and remembers no wrongs. Love takes joy in the truth and is not thrilled by the presence of evil. It never fails to defend, never gives up hope, never loses faith, and never gives up.

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This verse from the Bible is also often read during wedding ceremonies. The apostle Paul wrote 1 Corinthians. He sent a letter to the wicked city of Corinth. Paul writes in this chapter that love is the best present you can offer. You may combine Christ’s love with your own in this beautiful ceremony. We are reminded in this verse that, with God’s aid, we are capable of loving as He does.

I like how this verse emphasizes the importance of sticking with someone through the good times and the bad. The ups and downs of the wedding day pale in comparison to the rest of our lives together. By relying on God, we may become greater partners in marriage, as these Scriptures affirm.

Scripture Blessings for Weddings

Shorter verses that might be used at a ceremony include:

One of the most important things you can do for each other is to love each other profoundly, as 1 Peter 4:8 says, “Love covers over a multitude of sins.”

Thus, Mark 10:9 says, “Let no one separate what God has brought together.”

The Bible says in Proverbs 18:22, “He who finds a wife gets what is excellent and obtains favor from the LORD.”

Be totally committed to each other in love” (Romans 12:10). Respect one another more than you respect yourself.

He led me to the feast, and his flag over me was love (Song of Solomon 2:4).

A Wedding Blessing Prayer for the Couple

Proverbs 6:24-26 is a popular wedding blessing or prayer. It reads, “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face light upon you and be kind to you; the LORD raise up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.” At the end of the service, the pastor will often read this.

Talk to your priest about traditional prayers and a meaningful biblical blessing that you might use in your wedding. The memories of these touching exchanges will remain in your heart long after the wedding day has ended.

You should savor the moment if you have finally reached the point in your life when you can say “Yes” to the person for whom you have prayed. Do not let the business of life cause you to forget the significance of the marital vow. Together with your fiance, take some time to meditate on meaningful passages from the Bible. Think about the wonderful thing God made, and how it eventually serves Him. Know that your ceremony and life may be a doorway for the message of Christ no matter which passages you pick.

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