How Can Christians Get Through Life’s Darkness?

How Can Christians Get Through Life's Darkness?

How Can Christians Survive Life’s Darkness? 

Despite how gloomy things may seem, light may penetrate the shadows and enlighten our lives. Regardless of the degree of darkness in our lives, Jesus gives us hope to live in freedom.

I used to be afraid of the dark when I was a small child. I clung to my teddy bear while trying to recognize the people in my room. My imagination sometimes tricks me. I used to worry that something horrible might occur in the dark.

When I was younger, I used to sleep with a night light on for a long time. When there is no light, the darkness may be incredibly frightening.

My imagination tricked me into believing that things were worse than they really were when my room went black. But as soon as the light broke through the blackness, reality set in and my mind was no longer tricked.

How Can Christians Get Through Life’s Darkness?

There Has Always Been Darkness

The presence of darkness dates back to before the Fall. God created both light and darkness in the book of Genesis. He assigned the day to light and the night to darkness. We were designed to work during the day and relax at night as humans. At night, all work and production stop.

But when sin came into the world, darkness acquired a whole new significance. Darkness stood for evil, and light for virtue. Satan is linked to evil, while Jesus is linked to light.

But darkness already surrounded Eden in Genesis, taking the form of a snake. Darkness entered Adam and Eve’s existence when they ate the forbidden fruit. Because of this, they hid

Then, when the Lord God was strolling through the garden in the quiet of the day, the man and his wife heard his footsteps and hid from him amid the garden’s trees. But the guy was questioned by the Lord God, “Where are you? I heard you in the garden, and I was terrified since I was nude, so I hid, he said in response. Who informed you that you were nude, he asked? Have you eaten anything from the tree I told you not to eat from?The lady you placed here with me handed me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it, the guy continued (Genesis 3:8-12).

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Interestingly, as long as they stayed within the restrictions the Lord had established for them, Adam and Eve were free to wander as they pleased throughout Eden. But after they crossed the line, they hid instead of walking!

We hide when we are caught in sin and dwell in darkness. This is not what Jesus wants for us. He wants us to practice the gospel of grace and live in the spirit, knowing that Jesus paid the penalty for all the sins we have committed and will commit.

Make confession a way of life.

Despite our best efforts, since we are all sinners, we sometimes walk in the dark and fool ourselves into believing that our lives are going better than they really are. This is the word we have received from him and are declaring to you, according to 1 John 1:5, “God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all.” To live like Jesus and have no darkness in our lives, it is crucial to join a Christian community.

When we are misled, we may seek advice from those who are familiar with us enough to be able to identify our faults and give us the opportunity to repent them so that we can resume walking in light.

If Jesus does not let any evil into his being, then neither should we.

It’s not always simple to detect darkness. 
However, darkness isn’t always obvious. Satan poses as a benevolent angel. It is simple to condemn or stay away from things or people who are obviously wicked. But there are some Christians who look holy but let simple sins destroy their reputations, their churches, and themselves.

In church settings, common sins like arrogance, slander, and gluttony may do just as much harm as apparently harsher crimes like adultery. Darkness is more difficult to see than ever since the majority of churches allow certain crimes while rejecting others.

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Every Christian has a duty to live as godly a life as they can before their churches. What about people who say they follow Christ but act and behave in ways that are not Christlike?

Discernment Is Essential. 

According to Proverbs 1:7, the beginning of understanding is the fear of the Lord. Yet foolish people mock education and wisdom. The term “fool” in this context refers to a person who has no moral principles. The Lord starts to impart his wisdom to us when we conduct our lives by clinging to him and his knowledge.

Jesus is said to be aware of human thoughts. Because he coexisted with God the Father, he possessed this talent. God endowed him with the knowledge and the prophetic ability to foresee people’s thoughts and intentions.

If we want to develop a culture of living in the light, this is crucial. We often worship alongside people who seem spiritual on the surface but who, on the inside, have sin and other deep scars that, if left unattended, might devastate a church.

Leaders need to be beyond reproach, or beyond the pale of sin. They need to be held accountable by people who can guide them to walk in the light of Jesus, not in the shadows and in secrecy as Adam and Eve did.

How Can Christians Get Through Life’s Darkness?

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin, according to 1 John 1:7. Despite the fact that we can never be sinless in this life, it is crucial to foster a culture of confession so that we may live as honestly as possible.

To follow Jesus’ example is to “walk in the light.” Jesus desires for us to live in liberty. Transparency and vulnerability towards others are required for this.

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There must be some amount of in-depth dialogue to live in the light, even if deciding with whom to be truthful and how much of our lives to reveal may be difficult.

This entails repenting of harmful activities and confessing faults to mature Christians. According to the current accountability paradigm, one person confesses the same weekly transgression while the other comforts him and prays. This isn’t living in freedom; this is sin management.

Jesus did not intend for us to live like this.

Responsibility Is Crucial. 

Even with sin control, darkness continues to govern our existence. Liberation from the bonds that sin may impose comes through walking entirely in the light. This entails admitting the sin to the person who will be most harmed by it. If the sin is sexual and the person is married, they have to tell their partner.

Observe their suffering firsthand. Permit the partner to establish strict limits to curtail the behavior. If required, seek expert therapy to uncover the true cause of the battle with sin.

Allow the elderly or other trustworthy authorities to hold you responsible in such situations. If the transgression persists, establish a penalty, such as resignation from the ministry or loss of leadership opportunities.

Do whatever it takes to purge the darkness from your life that keeps you from completely living in the light, as Jesus is totally light.

Despite how gloomy things may seem, light may penetrate the shadows and enlighten our lives. Regardless of the degree of darkness in our lives, Jesus gives us hope to live in freedom.

We keep our spirits pure by confessing our faults to God, others, and the people around us. This helps us to cleanse ourselves of any sin that could prevent us from living completely in the light.

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