What is Toxic Masculinity, and Why Does It Cause Damage?

Understanding Toxic Masculinity and Its Negative Effects

Toxic may seem horrible, and that’s because it is.

When you hear the term “toxic,” many images and concepts pop into your head: toxic trash, toxic shock, poisonous dangerous compounds, and toxic debts. Toxic or very hazardous is the general meaning.

The attractiveness of masculinity is not only in its voice.

The contributions of capable males are invaluable in many contexts. Physical prowess is not required, although it helps. A powerful guy has excellent attributes including character, integrity, honesty, and a compassionate spirit.

The hyphenated term describes exactly what it sounds like: the tendency, or sense of entitlement, of certain males to engage in aggressive or otherwise damaging conduct (mainly toward women).

A cartoon caveman with a huge club in one hand and a lady by the hair in the other immediately comes to mind. It’s a horrible portrait of a guy, yet some men really do abuse their partners.

Nothing novel here. Since the dawn of time, sin has been one of our greatest challenges. It’s always been simpler to point fingers than to take responsibility, and that was true even in the Garden of Eden. It’s more comfortable to criticize someone else for their terrible conduct than to examine one’s own.

Nabal is a biblical character who acts out of toxic masculinity. They say he’s vicious, nasty, and cantankerous. Abigail’s spouse was an aggressive man who often insulted her. While she does not report any physical abuse in 1 Samuel 25:1-44, she does not have anything good to say about him when she meets with King David.

Abigail jumped from her donkey at the sight of David and bowed down to the ground. She knelt at his knees and pleaded, “Please hear what your servant has to say; pardon your servant, my lord. I implore you, my Lord, to ignore that evil man Nabal. His name means “Fool,” and he certainly lives up to that label. I, your servant, did not encounter the individuals that my master had sent. 2 Samuel 25:23-25

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Nabal was killed shortly after this by a divine strike.

A far cry from Nabal, David was a man after God’s own heart. He wasn’t faultless, but he was respectful and obedient to God.

After he had Saul killed, he anointed David king. I have discovered David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will accomplish everything I want him to do,” God said in testimony about him. Acts 13:22

Nabal and David couldn’t be more different from one another. God kills the unthankful man and delivers his wife to his faithful counterpart. A thought on how God thinks about those who are tyrannical, evil, and self-centered.

These three facts concerning toxic masculinity are undeniable:

  • First, the issue does not originate from the underlying cause.

Toxic masculinity may be traced back to a period when males relied on their superior physical power for basic needs including survival, domination, and food. This whole’survival of the fittest’ thing. To achieve one’s goals, one needed to use one’s strength.

Even if times have changed, certain poisonous mindsets have remained the same. The stone age is long gone. Aggression and displays of male dominance are no longer necessary for men’s survival. They have advanced beyond the stage of cavemen. Yes, thank god. Toxic masculinity is a taught, harmful mindset that has become more common in modern society.

Human flesh is the issue, yet the world needs strong men.

Eventually, a person will say what is really on their mind. It doesn’t take long for us to feel the effects of being in the company of folks who are spitting forth poison. To a greater extent if we have no spiritual barrier against it and if it has been established in us by our upbringing or by our classmates.

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How dare you say anything nice, you nest of serpents? Because one’s words reflect their internal state. Verse 34 of Matthew

It’s true that one’s ideas dictate their emotions, which in turn cause them to act in a consistent manner. A person’s faith in the world’s standards for success as a man overrides his faith in the One who made him. His concern for the opinions of others exceeds his reverence for God. His environment has had a negative impact on him, molding his beliefs and poisoning his character.

Mind controlled by the body is anti-God; it will not and cannot surrender to God’s law. Scripture: Romans 8:7

  • Abuse is inherent in toxic masculinity.

A nasty attitude is one thing. Eventually, it happens to everyone.

When toxic, destructive masculinity has an impact on others, that’s a whole other ballgame. That person may be abused in some way. It’s very inappropriate and devastating to the target.

A victim of an abusive partner may be blissfully unaware of the danger they are in. They may come to accept the abuse as a regular part of their life. Particularly if they were raised in an abusive household.

Abuse of the body is typically quite visible. However, other forms of abuse, such as emotional abuse, might be more complicated. In certain cases, we may not even recognize our experiences as emotional abuse. In particular if this is the standard. Possibly, we’re simply sensing that something’s off.

Whether we start to wonder if our relationship is abusive, it very well may be. We may show them grace because God showed us grace, but that doesn’t mean we have to put up with being mistreated.

Without becoming too personal, we can still love one other. You should pray and ask for advice from people you respect.

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Their blood is valuable to him, and he will protect them from persecution and harm. Psalm 72:14

  • Bad masculinity comes from inside, which is why it’s so toxic.

A person who is exhibiting poisonous conduct is blind to the true nature of the issue. Perhaps they do not see any problem with their actions. But the issue is inside their own being.

They only need a replacement.

Jesus Christ is the only donor heart that will do for a spiritual transplant. Giving up control and choosing to do things God’s way rather than your own. Only the presence of the Holy Spirit inside a person may effect lasting transformation. After some time, they will eventually adjust.

Truthfully, we have little control over whether or not another individual continues to be poisonous. There’s no one else who can do it except God.

The hostile actions of others cannot be altered, only our own.

Making the choice to cut ties with a toxic individual from your life may be difficult. By separating ourselves from them, we may avoid being poisoned. Let the toxic person work on themselves, and above all, let God handle the situation, which may not require our presence.

Always be on the lookout; keep your faith steadfast; show bravery and strength. Put love into action. Verse 13 of 1 Corinthians

Actually, we’re all quite poisonous. All of us have been tainted by sin. If it isn’t one thing, it’s another. Eventually, we’ll learn to recognize the internal enemy that’s destroying us from the inside out, and we’ll turn to the one One who can really heal and rescue us.

This is how you may finally be set free: by knowing the truth. John 8:32

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