Reasons Why You Should Find a Prayer Partner

Here Are 4 Reasons That You Could Use a Prayer Partner

Let me share with you a moment when I learned the value of having a prayer group around me and how it altered my perspective.

I had just found out that I was expecting my second child and I was overjoyed to be expanding our family at what might be considered a trying time. In the midst of a deep personal crisis, this unexpected gift shone like a beacon of hope.

However, around the ten-week mark, I miscarried. And then, two weeks later, I gave birth to our little one and laid them to rest. It was the most difficult experience of my life thus far. Moreover, it was very emotional because God himself intervened.

The prayer, however, oh my. Multiple groups of people from my life were praying for me and my loved ones. The women in the office formed prayer circles and pleaded fervently for divine intervention. My dearest friends and relatives were present in intercession. And my local church showed up in the most lovely of ways.

I know that I would not have fared so well if others had not joined me in praying for my heartache.

The Bible has several passages emphasizing the effectiveness of prayer. But not just prayer; also, intercessory prayer. In reference to praying for others and “taking their place.” It’s crucial to the Christian life.

Scripture has impacted me deeply, and I’ve seen it work in my own life, so I know it can do the same for you.

Biblical Examples of Intercession

When one prays for the needs of another, they are said to be engaging in intercessory prayer. To put it another way, they mediate between God and that individual.

To “expose oneself for the defense of anything,” as one Bible scholar put it, is to “stand in the gap.” This signifies that you are willing to take the place of a wounded Christian brother or sister on the battlefield. There, on the battlefield, is where the power of intercession really resides.

Praying to God on behalf of another person is a powerful and sacred act.

What happens when there is nobody to mediate between God and people is shown in Ezekiel 22. Verse 30 states,

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“I sought for a man among them who would put up the wall and stand before me in the breach on behalf of the country so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.”

The state of Israel was dire. Murder, idolatry, abuse of others, and adultery are only a few of the crimes enumerated in the chapter. In Ezekiel 22, God’s wrath at Israel’s transgressions reaches a boiling point, and the Lord searches for a righteous man to intercede on behalf of the rebellious country. No more than one. But He found none.

Because of this, God’s wrath was released against the country. It was demolished, along with the temple, and the inhabitants taken into captivity.

Can you imagine the consequences if someone had been present to mediate between Israel and God? You can only guess at the sighs of relief that would have been heard and the lives that would have been saved from being judged guilty.

It wasn’t an improbable idea either; such things have occurred before. There was a time when it did, as depicted in Psalm 106:23 of the Old Testament.

“Therefore, he vowed he would wipe them out. But Moses, the one he had selected, interposed himself between God and his people. He pleaded with him to “turn from your wrath and not ruin them.” (NLT).

In Numbers 14, Moses was the only one who could stand between God and the people, and because of his sacrifice, the Israelites were saved from destruction. As a result of the leader’s unwavering resolve to pray for the success of the great country God had brought out, the Lord stayed His strong hand.

As quoted by Charles Spurgeon, who was discussing Moses:

Moses halted the path of vengeance with his prayers, “like a courageous warrior who guards the wall when there is an opening for the opponent and disaster is pouring in upon the city.”

The country was rescued through prayer. Let’s say now you have a group of folks praying for you. Wow, it would really change things for the better!

Having a Prayer Partner Can Be Helpful

What difference will letting others into your life and asking for prayer make?

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1. It is a divine mandate that we pray for one another. One Timothy 2:1)

“First and foremost, I recommend that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be given on behalf of all people.”

Paul, moved by God’s inspiration, urges Timothy in his first letter to pray and advocate for the salvation of all mankind. It’s not just certain people who are praying for others; everyone is doing it. That people are praying for you and over you.

That His people care for one another is important to God. For if it is of such paramount importance to God, then it ought to be of equal importance to us.

2. You may rely on God’s grace and the power of prayer to sustain you. Ecclesiastes 4:11–12

It’s been said before, but it bears repeating: “Again, if two lay together, they remain warm. A guy could win against an individual, but two people can hold them off; a chain of three is not easily broken.

This concept that we are especially defenseless when we are on our own is one that Solomon expresses in his famous book of wisdom. In Christ’s bonds, however, we become more powerful as we join forces with others.

Honestly, I didn’t ask for prayer for a long time because I didn’t want to put undue pressure on anybody. I figured other people didn’t need the added stress of dealing with my issues, what with everything else they had going on. Therefore, I prayed in secret.

I really regret not having realized how important it is to ask others to pray for me sooner. Because in retrospect, I can see how the help of others has lifted me in a manner that is at once endearingly soft and remarkably strong.

Consider your prayer group a means through which God might give you strength to face the challenges of life.

3. It has the potential to change things. (Psalm 106:23)

For this reason, he threatened annihilation: “Had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach before him, to turn away his fury from killing them.”

To save a country, remember how Moses prayed in the gap. Can you picture letting your prayer allies fight on your behalf? Think it’s possible that might make a difference? That having several people fighting on your side would cause God to intervene miraculously is a stretch.

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4. When people care about one another, they do things like that for one another. This is what the Bible says about it (Galatians 6:2)

In this way, you will be fulfilling the law of Christ by sharing your burdens with one another.

People are eager to intercede on your behalf through prayer. In other words, they seek to provide a soft landing for you.

When individuals come to love Jesus, they are filled with the same love that fills Jesus’ heart, and they are moved to love others in extraordinary ways. God hopes His people will look out for one another. Therefore, a love for God inevitably leads to a love for humanity. And a predisposition to shoulder other people’s problems.

If you’re a believer of Christ, praying for you will be seen as an honor, not a chore. Is it a boon you’re willing to give them?

Someone to Save You

As it says in Romans 8:34 of the English Standard Version:

Who really is making intercession for us is Christ Jesus, who is at the right side of God.

At every given time, Jesus is mediating between you and God. Taking up the fight for you. Taking your case before the all-powerful judge, our Heavenly Father, and paying with his blood.

We’ve been made whole and released from slavery by his wounds. Grace, thank God!

For you and I, Jesus is the great warrior who battles on our behalf. Do we measure up? It’s only through His death that this is possible. To the contrary, He claims us as His own and fights valiantly on our behalf.

Please, my reader, don’t go through life alone. It’s an unnecessary weight to bear and a draining effort to keep up with it. In need of an Intercessor? Look to Jesus. In addition, include the people God has put in your life at the prayer table. Self-sufficiency is a sign of weakness, while allowing others to assist lighten your weight is a sign of strength.

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