Top Ten Bible Verses for a Happy Marriage

Ten Bible Verses That Will Help Your Marriage Thrive

In December, my husband, Dave, and I will have been married for thirty years. We’ve had our ups and downs, just like any couple. We’ve lived through the same humdrum, stressful, sad, challenging seasons that any relationship goes through, and we’ve come out on the other side stronger than ever. We usually say the same thing when people ask us how we’ve made it through the bad times or what the secret is to a happy marriage: “We pledged to put Jesus at the heart of our marriage.”

We also host Bible study groups for married people, where we look at biblical passages on love and commitment. The Bible has a wealth of instruction from God on how we might ensure that our marriages and the bonds between us endure for all of eternity.

The guy cried, “At last!” This person is literally made of flesh and bone! Because she was stolen from a male, her new name will be “woman.” This is why a man would forsake his parents in favor of his wife, and why the two will eventually become one flesh. Gen. 2:23-24

But ‘God fashioned them male and female’ from the very beginning of existence. So, “for this reason a man must leave his father and mother and hold tight to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” Thus, the two became oene flesh. So, “what God has joined together, let no man put asunder.” Mark 10:6-9

When the Pharisees challenged Jesus‘ assertion that marriage is a permanent union, he responded by asking, “Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Immediately, Jesus spoke out. “Right at the start, it says, ‘God created them male and female,'” the authors write. And he added, “This explains why a man abandons his parents and ties the knot with his wife, and the two become one.” God has joined them together, thus their union should not be broken apart. Matt. 19:4-6

Today’s society falsely believes that marriage to anybody you “love” is acceptable, regardless of sex. To God, it does not seem like the picture of a happy couple at all. This kind of thing is reprehensible and deviant. This new covenant that God makes with those who put their faith in Christ might be seen as a kind of marital covenant. In the same way as husbands take on the role of head of the household after taking an oath to their wives, Christians take an oath to God to submit their wills to Jesus’. It requires dedication on your part. To commit to letting the Bible, God’s Word, govern our whole lives and marriage in particular.

Ten Scriptures to Ponder Before Tieing the Knot

A marriage is a holy union between a man and a woman, declared before God and witnesses to be “one body” that can never be broken. God reveals his intentions for marriage in the Bible. He hopes that we will have healthy, spiritual, and satisfying sexual relationships and start families. Those who say the Bible doesn’t condemn same-sex marriage either haven’t read it or have let their lustful hearts cloud their judgement.

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If you are married or thinking of getting married, examine these 10 passages from the Bible.

  • Let marriage be regarded in esteem among all people; the marital bed must remain pure, or God will condemn the sexually impure and the adulterous.
  • Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or brag; love is not harsh or haughty (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). It does not demand to always be right, is not angry or impatient, and does not take pleasure in wrongdoing but in the truth. Love is patient, kind, and kind. Love never gives up hope. Love always thinks the best of others.
  • But because sexual immorality is taking place, 1 Corinthians 7:2-5 says that each man should have sexual intercourse only with his own wife and that each woman should have sexual relations only with her own husband. Both the husband and the wife have responsibilities to each other in a marriage. The woman submits to her husband’s control over her physical appearance. Similarly, the husband submits his body to his wife and gives up control over it. If you want to dedicate more time to praying, you should not deprive each other, save possibly temporarily and with agreement. Then you should get back together so that Satan won’t be able to exploit your lack of willpower to seduce you.
  • House and money are passed down from fathers, but a wise woman comes from the Lord (Proverbs 19:14).
  • To paraphrase 2 Corinthians 6:14, we are admonished to avoid “unequally yoking” ourselves with non-Christians. Because righteous judgment and anarchy make a terrible pair. What, then, is the friendship between light and darkness?
  • First of all, carry on loving one another sincerely, for love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8).
  • Wives, submit to your husbands in the Lord, because this is right (Colossians 3:18-19). Men, please show your wives affection and never treat them harshly.
  • According to 1 Peter 3:1-7, God’s perspective on our prayers changes after we get married. Jesus is the leader of our family, as stated in the preceding verse from 1 Peter 2:25. When you first started out, you were like lost sheep. The Shepherd is the Keeper of Souls, and you have come to him today. (NLT)
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Peter then speaks to the wives and spouses.


Likewise, you women need to respect your husbands’ authority. Then, your virtuous lifestyles will communicate to them without words, even if some refuse to follow the Good News. You may win them over by just living virtuous and respectful lifestyles.

Don’t stress out about things like your hairdo, your jewelry, or your wardrobe. Instead, you should adorn yourself with the kind of beauty that lasts forever: the beauty of a humble and self-restrained soul, so dear to God. In the past, this is how the devout ladies would enhance their natural beauty. They believed in God and submitted to their spouses. For example, Sarah submitted to Abraham and addressed him as “master.” If you do what’s right without worrying about what your spouses would think, you really become her daughters.

According to 1 Peter 3:7, a husband’s prayer habit is worthless if he treats his wife disrespectfully. For our joint prayers to be heard, we need strong marriages.


Similarly, you males should respect their female counterparts. Be patient and kind to your wife as you go through life together. Even if she is physically weaker than you, she is a co-recipient of God’s gift of eternal life with you. Be kind to her so that she won’t get in the way of your prayers.

Here are five suggestions for keeping your marriage strong in the eyes of the Lord:

  • Prioritize Your Marriage

On our wedding anniversary, we take stock of the past year and look forward to the next with renewed vigor. There is absolutely nothing we can’t discuss. It’s a great chance to share our aspirations and intentions for the future, whether they’re religious, personal, or material in nature. Some time for thought and contemplation. Do we share similar goals for our marriage and family, or do we need to reevaluate them?

  • The spiritual discipline of marriage

Since God instituted marriage as a social institution, praying together as a couple is an essential component of our spiritual lives that should inform all aspects of our marital considerations. Daily prayer is a wonderful opportunity for couples to commune with one another and with God.

compatibility, talking it out, married bliss

  • A marriage takes two to tango

When you marry someone, you pledge your undivided devotion to them forever. You get what you put out into the world, so make sure it’s love and not resentment. Although mutually agreed-upon ground rules are often helpful, reducing your connection to a game of scorekeeping is a certain recipe for disaster.

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In marriage, one learns to put others before oneself. Keep in mind that you’re both contributing to the success of your marriage, and treat it as a team sport.

  • Make Marriage Holy, not Just Happy

Marriage shines a light on our flaws and helps us see where we can improve. Marriage is a union between two flawed human beings who will continually let one other down unless they maintain the flawless Jesus at the core of their relationship. This may seem like a strong claim, and it’s true that many Christian marriages end in divorce because their focus shifted away from keeping Jesus at the center of all they did.

There are a lot of things in life that may put a strain on a marriage, such as money problems, parenting concerns, jealousy, in-laws, personality clashes, isolation, sickness, temptations from others, conflicts at work, and so on. Many marriages, especially among Christians, are failing because their members aren’t equipped with the one offensive weapon that can stand up against Satan: the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

We must see our partner as more than just a sexual partner. This person is not just a brother or sister in Christ, but a human being as well.

  • Seek Advice From Marital Experts

If couples had spiritual guides who prayed for them, taught them to pray and study the Bible together, and showed them how to restore God’s rightful place as head of the household, how many divorces might be avoided?

Find a Christian couple you look up to and ask them to be your role models in marriage and in your spiritual walk with God. Perhaps in the future you two might serve as role models for other married people.

A Triad of Commitment

There are promises made to one another throughout the wedding ceremony. Genuine closeness. Grace. love that makes no demands in return. Unwavering devotion. Sacrificed service. Sexual morality. Every year on our anniversary, we take the time to reread our wedding vows and reflect on how far we’ve come as a couple. As a constant reminder of the love and commitment we pledged to each other on our wedding day, we framed our vows and hung them on the wall in our bedroom.

The priest who married us would always begin each session of premarital counseling by sketching a triangle with a stick figure guy occupying the bottom left corner. a lady represented by a stick figure in the bottom right corner, and God in the upper right corner of a triangle. He was trying to get across the idea that our relationships with one another and God would improve as we grew closer to God. In the absence of God, at the base of the triangle, our distance from one another was the greatest.

Our wedding invitation had the words “a triple cord is not soon broken” from Ecclesiastes 4:12 along with an image of a crucifix with two cords winding around it.

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