30 Prayers to Help You Get Your Day Started Right with God

30 Prayers to Say First Thing in the Morning to Spend Time with God

Morning prayer helps you focus on God’s plan for the day. Come to God with a humble heart if you need encouragement, serenity, strength, or rest. Seek God’s presence each morning before you’re distracted by tasks.

1. God’s Presence in the Morning

Lord, keep me close today. Teach me to choose Your way today so I can get closer to You. Help me follow Scripture, not my emotions. Help me maintain a pure heart. Protect me from careless thoughts, words, and deeds. Keep me from being distracted by my wants, desires, and ideas. Help me see challenges as opportunities, not personal inconveniences. Help me rest in Psalm 86:13, “Your kindness is great toward me.” You know how I’ll fail. But right now, I snuggle Your whisper of love into my heart. I know Your love for me isn’t conditional. You love my flaws. Wow! Amazingly, the Savior of the world wanted to talk to me this morning. Lord, help me remember how blessed I am to sit with You. Amen.

2. Jesus Today

Lord, Jesus, it is Your day; do Your will. Whatever happens, let’s confront it together. Amen. – Scriptures

3. Today’s God-Promises

Lord, I’ve been hesitant to claim Your promises. Today, I’m standing firm. I won’t let human reason derail my spiritual heritage. I’ll keep every promise You made today. In! Amen.

4. Lord’s Prayer

God bless! Today’s a fresh start. Yesterday’s regrets, errors, and failures are gone. Lord, today is an excellent day to be happy and thankful. Today is a new chance to love, give, and be all you want. Amen.

5. Spirit Today

Please fill us with Your spirit each morning, Lord. Spread love, joy, peace, goodness, and faithfulness. Let us want to be more like you and praise you always. Help us want these things more than sin. We appreciate your leadership. Amen.

6. Daily Thanksgiving Prayer

Greetings, Thank you for your goodness, power, and blessings in our life. Thanks for your kindness. Your sacrifice gave us freedom and life. Forgive us for not thanking you enough for what you’ve done. Help us refocus on you. Fill us with your serenity and joy. We adore and need you always. You alone are deserving of praise. Amen.

7. Family

Father, thanks for family. Today, thwart the enemy. Faith-build. Tempt them? Allow them to lead others to you. Please soothe my family and allow them rest in your sovereignty. Amen.

8. A Morning Prayer

Help us recognize you first each day, God. Enlighten our hearts so we can see you working in our lives. Give us insight to make good decisions and a desire to seek you above all else. Let your Spirit and might renew us. Thank you that you’re bigger than our day. Your presence goes with us, and your delight is our true and permanent strength, no matter what we face. Your serenity lead us, preserve our hearts and minds in you. Please bless us today. We need you, Lord. Amen.

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9. Follow God Prayer

Greetings, Today’s events are unknown. You are my Rock and Fortress, though. You’re my Tower and Shield. Please be my anchor today. Teach me to trust You and follow Your lead today. Your truth, not my feelings, guide me. Help me see everything as a chance to witness You at work and point others to You. Thank You that You love me forever. Even if I fail today, You breathe Your unconditional love into my spirit and tell me Your mercies are new each morning. Wow, Lord. Thanks for today. Would You wake me with Your love tomorrow? I hope we’ll meet again. Amen.

10. Strengthening Morning Prayer

Lord, I don’t know when my “race” will conclude. I’ve been running forever to escape this trial. Help me stop running from my anguish and finish the race you’ve set. Because of you, I’ve overcome my hardships. Nothing can keep me from your love. Please offer me your love and strength today. I appreciate your unending affection. Thank you for the crown of joy in your kingdom.

“You’ll keep in complete calm whoever trusts in You.” 3.

11. Courageous Morning Prayer

Lord, give me tenacious courage today. Help me resist quitting when I’m tempted. Give me joy when things go wrong. Give me courage to accomplish what’s necessary. Amen.

God didn’t give us a timid spirit, but one of power, love, and self-discipline. 7th Titus

12. Pray Daily

Father, Praise You for the sky and sun, which inspire us to chase You each day. Thank You for reminding us that life isn’t easy, but we don’t have to carry the hard into each day. Forgive us for rehashing old grievances. Bless our hearts as we seek You daily. Amen.

13. Daily Joy

Father, thank you for intervening and allowing me to know you. I appreciate your love forever. Thanks for my family’s blessings. Help us share our benefits. May I find joy in your job today. Holy Name. Amen.

14. Holy Spirit guidance

Lord, move the Spirit openly in my life. Any sin can grieve and lessen the Spirit’s voice, so I pray against sinning. Help me want God more than sin. Help me grow in Spirit-fruit and become closer to You. Let your will and promises be my heart’s constant meditation. Amen.

15. Daily Grace

Thank you, Lord, for your grace. Thank you that we don’t have to earn today’s river of grace. Thank you for your undeserved favor. Help me enter your grace and love. Help me not disregard the disciplines I need to frequently meet with you and drink life’s water. Your affection is appreciated. Amen.

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Joyful morning prayer

16. Love Your Life Prayer

Help me love my current life, God. Help me appreciate the positive things I often overlook. Forgive me for comparing myself to others and desiring for things beyond your realm. Thanks for accepting me as I am. Keep me focused. Amen.

17. Anti-distraction prayer today

As I start this day, help me remember that I belong to you. Keep my feet from tripping and my mind from drifting into distractions that could waste my time and energy. Lord, I’m your child. I’m so thankful you died for me—rising again on your own new morning—so every day may be filled with the wonder of your love, the freedom of your Spirit, and the delight of knowing you.

18. Heavy Heart Prayer

Lord, I’m sad. I’m carrying the load alone. I’m overwhelmed, distraught, and fatigued. Please let me let you carry my heavy weight. Assuredly. Let me relax so my heart isn’t burdened in the morning. Holy Name. Amen.

19. God’s Voice

Father, please respond. I’m starting a daily quiet time today. I’ll prioritize Your voice over others’. Lord, help me center my life on You and obey Your commands. Amen.

20. Trust God

Lord, we need Your Holy Spirit today. Lord, it’s easy to become consumed by life’s anxieties, but we know that just as Your eye is on the sparrow, so are You on us.

Teach us to rely on You. Bring us a deeper understanding of how You function so we can see that what we perceive is not everything. Today we pray for eyes to recognize Your hand in everything and hearts open to Your work. Amen.

“In everything, pray and petition with gratitude to God. In Christ Jesus, God’s peace will guard your heart and mind.” 4:6-7

21. Walking with God in the Morning

Greetings, You’re awesome. Above is my heart’s yearning. My behaviors and reactions betray my love for You. Sorry. Thank You for Your grace that allows us to walk closer with You each day. Amen.

22. A Morning Prayer to God

Help me remember how much time with You in the morning changes my day. Awaken me each day in body and spirit with a desire to meet with You and hear You pour words of affirmation, certainty, and wisdom over my heart as I start my day. Amen.

“If you lack wisdom, seek God, who gives abundantly to all without blame, and he will give it to you.” 5.

23. Morning Prayer

God, please give me truth, love, bravery, and service. Pardon my past, sanctify my present, and direct my future. Amen

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24. A Workday Prayer

Thank you, Father, for this employment that pays my expenses and feeds my family. Work has meaning because it’s good. Help me bring you honor via my actions, words, and good work to bring order to my area of the earth. Help me see my job as a privilege. Give me grace and strength for difficult tasks. Amen, in Jesus’ name.

25. Prayer for Worries

My life is broken, Heavenly Father. My worries weigh me down. While I want to cast my troubles on You, I generally pick them back up, which adds worry and anxiety. Help me learn to cast my cares on You and rest in You. Amen.

26. Hope Today

Lord, help me hear you say “I am your hope” above all else. Your word says you’re the hope for the hopeless, so I’m running to you with both hands outstretched. Remind me today that hope is an indestructible spiritual lifeline (Hebrews 6:19-20). God, you know the things I scarcely dare to hope for. Today I give them to you, trust them to you, and ask that you do more than I could ever predict, envision, or beg (Eph 3:20). God, I trust you. Amen.
Blessed morning prayer

27. Tomorrow’s Courage

I want to believe that God knows and loves me. Sometimes it’s tough. Help me reflect on your Word. To my heart, please. Give me peace and wisdom to live like a conqueror because you’ve already won every battle. Amen.

28. God-honoring workday

Help me be productive, patient, focused, and insightful. Stop technology from harming my work. May your Spirit guide me in my work and remind me of your love and that you’re the reason I breathe. Teach me how to balance my career, family, church life, and rest to maximize your glory and fruitfulness.

Fix my eyes on Jesus’ finished work on the cross, which gave me treasure I couldn’t earn, rest I couldn’t otherwise enjoy, and a live hope that fuels my work for God’s glory. Amen.

29. Today’s Faith-Building Prayer

Help us engage your will with reckless faith as we begin a new day, Father. Help us trust you and grow in righteousness. Lord, give us faith today. Fill our hearts with your spirit and our lips with your words.

30. Morning Praise

Father, I thank You for everything You’ve done. You’re faithful while I’m not. Even when I’m unlovable, your love persists. Your forgiveness removes my sin’s consequence. I praise Your love and loyalty. Your presence alters everything, empowering me to live each moment knowing You are in control. Lord, whatever occurs today, remind me I can worship You. Amen.

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